Friday, February 6, 2015


Islamic State are doing it as per the Koran!
Obama has just had the usual bleating Muslim leaders up at the White House and you can bet they didn't have the following on their Koranic agenda!  So...does Islam prohibit burning people alive?  Nope, is the short answer; but let's hear it strait from the Koran. 
Muhammad, who spoke for Allah (4:80) and is considered the standard of perfect conduct for Muslims (33:21). Muhammad had no qualms about burning people alive.
 (1) December 627: Muhammad led an attack against the Al-Mustalaq tribe. Because that tribe fought back, Muhammad ordered their fortifications to be set on fire, even though the Muslims knew there were women and children inside.
(2) Around June 628, when Kinanah bin al-Rabi of the Jewish Bani al-Nadir tribe would not reveal where his conquered tribe’s treasures were hidden, Muhammad ordered one of his soldiers, “Torture him until you extract what he has,” so a fire was built on Kinanah’s chest until Kinanah nearly died.
(3) October 630: there was some resistance among the Muslims *(Hypocrites) toward a military expedition Muhammad was planning against the Byzantines at Tabuk.  Muhammad heard that these Hypocrites were gathered in a particular house, so he ordered that the house be burned down on top of them.  The Hypocrites managed to escape from the flames. 
(* Muslims deemed to be be not quite on message are known as Hypocrites and can therefore expect the same treatment as we infidels).

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