Sunday, February 22, 2015


"When you supp with the devil, use a long spoon," goes the saying. But the Islamist luvin' Turk PM Erogan, so liked his satanic sessions, he's now got their legions just outside his own front gate. Turkish media have reported that some 3,000 head-choppers of Islam are looking to enter Turkey, with key commanders of Islamic State already hiding there in safe houses. Having failed to take the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani, the Death Cult Crew of Mohammad have regrouped and are hoping to cross Turkey’s southern border. Terror experts inTurkey have said that suicide and bomb attacks are being prepared against Istanbul and Ankara missions of coalition forces which intervened in Syria. But the ever expanding barbarians of Islamic State with Syrian and Palestinian nationality are also planning to cross into Bulgaria to carry out their Caliphate, murder and mayhem agenda in European Union countries; where no doubt they already have tens of thousands of IS sympathisers waiting with loads of red carpets to roll out!

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