Thursday, February 12, 2015


Acknowledging it was "an enormously difficult story" to report,(well any truthful story must be a tad difficult for them) "NBC Nightly News" aired a segment in its broadcast about the six-month suspension of anchor, Brian "Pinocchio" Williams. NBC pledged through clenched teeth to make itself worthy of viewers' trust. 
They could start by announcing that everyone - including NBC - had known for months about Williams' self delusions.
My suggestions to clean up the NBC act would include the following:
(1) Polygraph all staff weekly.
(2) Staff telling porky-pies, thus failing test will have their forehead branded - Roman style - with: I'm A Lying Bastard.
(3) Forbid staff from watching any more than two minutes of Barry Obama in any one financial year.
(4) Oh, just close the friggin' station down permanently. There are already too many media fantasy factories as is. 

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