Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Jeff Zucker, once of NBC - which should be a red flag to everyone - would just love to be able to bring Mr Uber Smug a.k.a. Jon Stewart over to join the Camp of the Bewildered, better known as CNN. 
Zucker, now the head dick-in-charge of the rampant liberal channel said not surprisingly, that he's a huge admirer of Mr Smug. And yes indeed, there would be room made in the CNN lifeboat for one more liberal toss-pot on board their slowly, sinking channel. Just the idea of giving a so called comic a news show on a fake news network as opposed to an entertainment channel like Comedy Central,  shows just how much the line between liberal propaganda news and what passes as entertainment has been blurred in the U.S. of A. The Stewart sycophants - with the attention span of a fruit fly and only one step ahead of a Dumb & Dumber flick  - don't need more daze and confusion in their under grad, perpetually adolescent minds. They're already too much of a liability in a dangerous world as it is.
Laugh? I need a double adult diaper under me pin-stipe
when watching Jon Boy slay 'em!

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