Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Half of Americans see the future with The Bitch of Benghazi a.k.a. Hillary Clinton as President. Oh, fucking, dear.
 But then the Republicans are acting really dumb by even thinking about yet another Bush to offer Joe Public.  
Jeb baby, the former Florida governor, will give a speech in Chicago Wednesday in which he will attempt to differentiate himself from his bro, former Pres George W and pappy, George H.W. But it's the name, not any clear water that Jebbers may make between himself and the other Bushes; it's that friggin' BUSH name, you GOP plonkers. 
If yet another Bush wins the contender prize and HRC is his Democrat opponent, a deep gloom should descend on any potential voter with more than 6 working brain cells. If I were a Yank, I'd sooner vote for H.A.L. than any of these two.

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