Thursday, February 19, 2015


Argentinian Presidenti Cristina we-blame-the-Jews Fernandez and some of her bent, Islam luvin' top administration officials, orchestrated a secret deal with Iran to shield the officials responsible for the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires...allegedly.  
Over 80 people were murdered. Though Cristina and Crew are protesting their ignorance, there's nothing new about the Latino love of politics extreme-o. If it's not fascist (their preferred default position ) then those of a similar mind set will do very nicely as new best friends. 
Enter Iran, Hezbollah and others from the Islamic Dens of Death and Destruction. South America has a history of having more than a few Nazi sympathizers; but Iran's Mullah Men make an excellent second choice. The "moderate" Hassan Rouhani, much admired by Barry & Co, spent 3 years as a student at a Glasgow University in Scotland. He was a known Islamist, but cunning as a dozen foxes. Indeed his projected persona was of a quiet, polite, smiling chap. Years later - when not ordering the murder of Iranian student who opposed the regime - Rouhani was fingered by Mossad as being head chef in the Tehran kitchen when the plan to bomb the Jewish center was being cooked up. Not that the gullible West seems remotely concerned that The Beard is a treacherous, Machiavellian, bastard who'll play midwife to Iran's first born nuke.
You see? This proves that the Jews did 9/11
and first bombed there own place for
practice. Anyway, me and the boys were
out shopping for shoes that day...

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