Thursday, February 5, 2015


Is there any government in South America not as bent as a banana? For years the Argies have been taking Iranian oil at a knock down price and have known all along who was really behind the 80's bombing of a Jewish center that resulted in 80+ deaths: Hezbollah, Iran's terror poodle.Watching some government lackey rant about it being a complete "conspiracy" was classic; and as for the man who was about to expose the truth being a suicide?  I'll take the Mossad version over lying, Latino dodge pots any day. 
Meanwhile, back at the Belt, Biden the Brainless and some so called VIP Dems are going to boycott the Bibi speech to Congress. Who the fuck cares what these political pygmies do. And if anything illustrates the difference between Barry and his band of complacent, smug incompetents and the King of Jordan it's this: on his flight back home from the U.S. there were already two necks of Islam's Nazis being stretched ; a starter and a signal to what IS and their supporters can now expect. 
If I'd taken a chip at the fourteenth I'd have holed
that baby.
When an American had his throat cut by IS, Barry mumbled some crass platitudes and was back on the golf course before you could say: So he's Commander-in-Chief? 
According to Obama, Islamic State are an "organisation". No, Barry. The Boy Scout Movement is an example of an "organisation". If many in the Muslim world are saying what Islamic State are, why can't Obama?  Well, we already know the answer to that one!

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