Sunday, February 8, 2015


It took the grisly death of a Jordanian pilot to get some Arabs off their complacent butts - though to what end? We still have all the mega rich, West hatin' dudes living in the Gulf States, who created and still fund their Muslim psycho Frankensteins. One could have been a stale pita bread and still have figured why there is murder and mayhem among the Messengers flock. Well, it is his message after all! As they don't make padded cells in the necessary sizes to accommodate the Arabs and Iran, the next best thing is leaving them alone to continue creating their own Shia/Sunni hell-hole. 
Had the west made itself energy independent, we'd never have burned zillion of dollars trying to graft on to Islam's ass, such quaint ideas as democracy. But for Arab oil, we wouldn't have cared a flying fuck; and the likes of Clown Kerry and the other European limp wrists trying to act like nannies to the afflicted, wouldn't be such an embarrassment. 
Multinational companies and their kept politicians still behave like the three monkeys, and would much rather have a dose of pox than take any share of blame for the West's ongoing, foreign adventure disaster. Indeed, many in Washington, especially Barry Obama - who's a Muslim Brotherhood groupie - would rather stick pins in their dicks than accept the bleedin' obvious. Israel is the only real, sound, democratic ally in the Middle East worth investing time and dollars in. Arab countries - with their 40 shades of dysfunctional one party states and 7th century sheiks - are, as they have always been, just some friggin' mirage! 

Ah, back in Barry's den.What's under my arm?
It's our Muslim Bros mission statement called
Infiltrate, Indoctrinate then Obliterate
all infidels...

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