Thursday, February 19, 2015


United Nations political affairs chief Jeffrey Feltman yesterday told the UN Security Council that he is “alarmed” over reports that Hamas is attempting to rearm six months after Israeli Operation Protective Edge. This is such a surprise to us Jeff. Who would of thought the rascals of Hamas would get up to such tricks? 
What more can one say about the UN? Nazis in mentality just about account for most of the asses on blue seats. Example:The UN were supposed to oversee Hezbollah being disarmed - after all it was THEIR resolution! Instead, they picked their noses, farted and chewed gum as 40,000 Iranian rockets were trucked past their very own "peace keepers" destined for Iran's Islamist proxy in Lebanon; courtesy of the top around-the-world terror sponsor for Islam's Caliphate Crew. What the UN is most excellent at is allowing the most degenerate regimes on plant earth to infest every decision making committee. The UN are the next best thing to a satanic cult and should be treated accordingly.

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