Friday, February 20, 2015


They said electric shock therapy would cure me of
liberalism. They were wrong.
If you could make folk idiot prove, then the former US envoy to the Middle East, Martin Indyk and US diplomat Dennis Ross would be an excellent place to start. They were proposing, without as much as a smirk, a “nuclear guarantee for Israel” on Tuesday at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) conference in Tel Aviv. Indyk suggested a joint Israel-U.S. Nuclear defense agreement that he called a “treaty arrangement” to address Israel’s concerns. Apparently, both have amnesia and don't recall any of the "Guarantees and Treaties" that previous American governments had, then promptly broke, with every Native American tribe - and America's a democracy! 
Indyk and Dennis Ross actually expect Iran - an Islamo-fascist terror state run by Mutant Mullahs - to honor a "nuclear guarantee"! Liberal tendency types are totally naive.They are Neville peace-in-our-time
And I believe Mr Hitler
will keep his word...
Chamberlain clones, who actually believe you can negotiate with evil. Speaking of which, Barry Obama invited top Muslims from Islamist terror backing countries, to speak at his extremist terror day soiree...I rest my case.
Each and every day, we give thanks to Allah that
the infidels are so fucking stupid.

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