Wednesday, February 25, 2015


I want mommy.
U.S. Secretary of State, better known as Clown Kerry, said on Tuesday with as much indignation as he could summon, that Russia had repeatedly lied to him about its activities in Ukraine - where pro-Russian rebels are fighting national forces. "Russia is engaged in a rather remarkable period of the most overt and extensive propaganda exercise that I've seen since the very height of the Cold War," Kerry told a Senate Appropriations subcommittee. "And they have been persisting in their misrepresentations -- lies -- whatever you want to call them about their activities there to my face, to the face of others on many different occasions," continued one very miffed mommy's boy. Has Obama's Mr Inept just discover that nations will do and say whatever is in their own national interest - as if the U.S. is somehow different in that respect! Man up you Iran appeaser. And doesn't your Surrender-in-Chief, Barry Obama - you know, the guy with a box full of red pens - continually lie about not letting Islam's psychos in Mullahville have a nuke, while his policy screams the opposite? 

Monday, February 23, 2015


I've just read your meter, Abdullah. Been running
them U.V.'s again?
Starting Monday at noon, the Israeli Electric Company will curtail service to a number of cities in the West Bank. This is done as part of the IEC reduction of the debt owed by the PA and by the East Jerusalem Electric Company, an Arab owned utility. The debt owed by the PA and EJEC has mounted over the years, to reach just under $500 million! The Israeli Electric Company has warned the non paying Pali brigade over many months now, that it was well past time for an immediate settlement of the debt. But not as much as a "fuck -off" from the Koranics; illustrating that the Messenger was a few chapters lite in the Charm and Financial Responsibility section.
It's to be expected from the dodge pot P.A. but what about this idea: Abbas & Co could release some of the $billions the uber corrupt leadership have squirreled away over the years into Swiss bank accounts. Nope? Boy, are they so predictable. And it's just like the world's top bleaters to whinge and whiny about not being able to watch Islamic State vids but take zilch responsibility for the self created situation. Why Israel supplies the Palestinians with as much as a candle worth of electro magic, remains a friggin' mystery to me.


In world rankings - ahead of both US and UK - Israel has just been ranked number five overall in this year’s Bloomberg Innovation Index; the annual ranking of countries that measures performance in research and development, tech education, patents and other marks of technological prowess. Given more investment, Israel could be punching even more above it's weight. China - coming in at only 23 - could be one of the reasons why they have been investing heavily in the Jewish state.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


"When you supp with the devil, use a long spoon," goes the saying. But the Islamist luvin' Turk PM Erogan, so liked his satanic sessions, he's now got their legions just outside his own front gate. Turkish media have reported that some 3,000 head-choppers of Islam are looking to enter Turkey, with key commanders of Islamic State already hiding there in safe houses. Having failed to take the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani, the Death Cult Crew of Mohammad have regrouped and are hoping to cross Turkey’s southern border. Terror experts inTurkey have said that suicide and bomb attacks are being prepared against Istanbul and Ankara missions of coalition forces which intervened in Syria. But the ever expanding barbarians of Islamic State with Syrian and Palestinian nationality are also planning to cross into Bulgaria to carry out their Caliphate, murder and mayhem agenda in European Union countries; where no doubt they already have tens of thousands of IS sympathisers waiting with loads of red carpets to roll out!


How I luv the smell of sulfur. Doesn't everyone?
Chat has it that pro-Muslim Bros, Iran nuke appeaser and dead duck U.S. Pres won't be there; and that he and his White House trolls may snub the upcoming conference of America's largest pro-Israel organization, AIPAC. 
But does anyone give a flying fuck what bummed off Obama says/does/ doesn't do anymore, except his mindless troop of Barry-forever Zombies? How many of the 70% Jewish vote he received still rate the Great Pretender? Too friggin' many! All of which really should explode the myth that Jewish folk are more politically astute than yer average goy!
One doesn't have to look like a
zombie in order to be one.

Friday, February 20, 2015


Much of the damage that ultraviolet radiation (UV) does to skin occurs hours after sun exposure. And...some damage caused by sunlight - the DNA damage that can lead to sunburns and even skin cancer - may occur even after sun exposure. (Vision: Yale News).  Well, no kidding! Anyone who has tried to get a nights kip after falling asleep in the sun with their bare ass on display, has this already figured. Say, you sun-kissed Einsteins; just how many spondoolies did you manage to scam from your sponsor - Middle Earth Dwellers Inc - to discover the bleedin' obvious?
Hi, I'm Peter and I live in the UK.
 We don't get much sun,
but when we do, I'm as mad as fuck for a tan.


They said electric shock therapy would cure me of
liberalism. They were wrong.
If you could make folk idiot prove, then the former US envoy to the Middle East, Martin Indyk and US diplomat Dennis Ross would be an excellent place to start. They were proposing, without as much as a smirk, a “nuclear guarantee for Israel” on Tuesday at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) conference in Tel Aviv. Indyk suggested a joint Israel-U.S. Nuclear defense agreement that he called a “treaty arrangement” to address Israel’s concerns. Apparently, both have amnesia and don't recall any of the "Guarantees and Treaties" that previous American governments had, then promptly broke, with every Native American tribe - and America's a democracy! 
Indyk and Dennis Ross actually expect Iran - an Islamo-fascist terror state run by Mutant Mullahs - to honor a "nuclear guarantee"! Liberal tendency types are totally naive.They are Neville peace-in-our-time
And I believe Mr Hitler
will keep his word...
Chamberlain clones, who actually believe you can negotiate with evil. Speaking of which, Barry Obama invited top Muslims from Islamist terror backing countries, to speak at his extremist terror day soiree...I rest my case.
Each and every day, we give thanks to Allah that
the infidels are so fucking stupid.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Argentinian Presidenti Cristina we-blame-the-Jews Fernandez and some of her bent, Islam luvin' top administration officials, orchestrated a secret deal with Iran to shield the officials responsible for the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires...allegedly.  
Over 80 people were murdered. Though Cristina and Crew are protesting their ignorance, there's nothing new about the Latino love of politics extreme-o. If it's not fascist (their preferred default position ) then those of a similar mind set will do very nicely as new best friends. 
Enter Iran, Hezbollah and others from the Islamic Dens of Death and Destruction. South America has a history of having more than a few Nazi sympathizers; but Iran's Mullah Men make an excellent second choice. The "moderate" Hassan Rouhani, much admired by Barry & Co, spent 3 years as a student at a Glasgow University in Scotland. He was a known Islamist, but cunning as a dozen foxes. Indeed his projected persona was of a quiet, polite, smiling chap. Years later - when not ordering the murder of Iranian student who opposed the regime - Rouhani was fingered by Mossad as being head chef in the Tehran kitchen when the plan to bomb the Jewish center was being cooked up. Not that the gullible West seems remotely concerned that The Beard is a treacherous, Machiavellian, bastard who'll play midwife to Iran's first born nuke.
You see? This proves that the Jews did 9/11
and first bombed there own place for
practice. Anyway, me and the boys were
out shopping for shoes that day...


In the fight against "violent extremism", Barry Obama - with not so much as a mention or a nod in the direction of Mecca as to who these mysterious, violent extremists are - has argued that the U.S. has one thing going for it which Europe doesn't have: a long tradition of warmly embracing its immigrants, including Muslims. Well done Barry! That should send a shudder up the sphincters of every Islamist psycho. Has there ever been a man more unsuited for high office? It should be pointed out that Europe most definitely has at least one thing going for it; it hasn't got YOU!
To answer your question, Jane; one can't assume that just because
someone calls out Allahu Akbar, has a Koran under one arm while they
cut some Christians' throat, that the person know...


United Nations political affairs chief Jeffrey Feltman yesterday told the UN Security Council that he is “alarmed” over reports that Hamas is attempting to rearm six months after Israeli Operation Protective Edge. This is such a surprise to us Jeff. Who would of thought the rascals of Hamas would get up to such tricks? 
What more can one say about the UN? Nazis in mentality just about account for most of the asses on blue seats. Example:The UN were supposed to oversee Hezbollah being disarmed - after all it was THEIR resolution! Instead, they picked their noses, farted and chewed gum as 40,000 Iranian rockets were trucked past their very own "peace keepers" destined for Iran's Islamist proxy in Lebanon; courtesy of the top around-the-world terror sponsor for Islam's Caliphate Crew. What the UN is most excellent at is allowing the most degenerate regimes on plant earth to infest every decision making committee. The UN are the next best thing to a satanic cult and should be treated accordingly.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Jeff Zucker, once of NBC - which should be a red flag to everyone - would just love to be able to bring Mr Uber Smug a.k.a. Jon Stewart over to join the Camp of the Bewildered, better known as CNN. 
Zucker, now the head dick-in-charge of the rampant liberal channel said not surprisingly, that he's a huge admirer of Mr Smug. And yes indeed, there would be room made in the CNN lifeboat for one more liberal toss-pot on board their slowly, sinking channel. Just the idea of giving a so called comic a news show on a fake news network as opposed to an entertainment channel like Comedy Central,  shows just how much the line between liberal propaganda news and what passes as entertainment has been blurred in the U.S. of A. The Stewart sycophants - with the attention span of a fruit fly and only one step ahead of a Dumb & Dumber flick  - don't need more daze and confusion in their under grad, perpetually adolescent minds. They're already too much of a liability in a dangerous world as it is.
Laugh? I need a double adult diaper under me pin-stipe
when watching Jon Boy slay 'em!


Half of Americans see the future with The Bitch of Benghazi a.k.a. Hillary Clinton as President. Oh, fucking, dear.
 But then the Republicans are acting really dumb by even thinking about yet another Bush to offer Joe Public.  
Jeb baby, the former Florida governor, will give a speech in Chicago Wednesday in which he will attempt to differentiate himself from his bro, former Pres George W and pappy, George H.W. But it's the name, not any clear water that Jebbers may make between himself and the other Bushes; it's that friggin' BUSH name, you GOP plonkers. 
If yet another Bush wins the contender prize and HRC is his Democrat opponent, a deep gloom should descend on any potential voter with more than 6 working brain cells. If I were a Yank, I'd sooner vote for H.A.L. than any of these two.


When the Messengers of Mohammad are not too busy with mass beheadings, burning people alive, crucifying children and throwing people off roofs, it has been reported that Islamic State have extended their activities and have become keen farmers; as in farming human organs of these they have butchered. With the sickest and slickest PR marketing machine outside of Madison Avenue, there's sure to be enough buyers who are as degenerate as they are. Meanwhile, Barry Obama - even after spending a small fortune with a famous speech therapist - still can't manage to get his tongue around the ticky "Islamic Terror" words. What a friggin' apologist the Illinois Illusionist is!


'Like math and the Midwest, Islamic State confuses progressives. It’s not hard to confuse a group of people who never figured out that if you borrow 18 trillion dollars, you’re going to have to pay it back. But ISIS is especially confusing to a demographic whose entire ideology is being on the right side of history. Raised to believe that history inevitably trended toward diversity in catalog models, fusion restaurants and gay marriage, the Arab Spring led them on by promising that the Middle East would be just like Europe and then ISIS tore up their Lonely Planet guidebook to Syria and chopped off their heads.' Daniel Greenfield.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


With spy satellites over-head that can read the small print on a car insurance policy while it's still in your wallet, why are these black flag fuckers still out marching in the sunshine? Has the U.S. run out of drones? Missing an excellent opportunity to send a street full off to Allah is really most frustrating!


Bizarrely, the FBI has been called in to investigate the source of "offensive graffiti" at The Islamic School of Rhode Island in West Warwick. The agency's Boston division announced on Monday it had begun a civil rights investigation into the vandalism which happened on Saturday night. What? Haven't the FBI anything better to do up there in the smallest state than acting like yer local cops? I smell more than a whiff of the local PC politico brigade behind this total waste of FBI time and resources. H-e-l-l-o! It's a local police matter, for fuck sake! It's their job to find and arrest their local loonies who sprayed up the place with "offensive graffiti". The FBI have a lot better things to do; like finding and stopping the next nest of Islamist rats who so want to blow off our asses! Jez, is there no end to liberal loopy-ness?


According to some jurno, the Danish synagogue attack is decribed as a ‘wake up call’. While the Jewish community has for years been lobbying for greater security, the Danish government hasn’t been forthcoming. Well, given the Danes are behaving like whose with a death wish for their own demise at the hands of the Allahu Akbar contingent, is it really such a surprise? And anyway, how many friggin'  'wake up calls' does it take before European Jews figure out that Europe has always been a graveyard for them? If you don't get your asses out of Europe soon, don't start bleating and wah-wahing away like some Palestinian when things really go pear shaped!

Monday, February 16, 2015


Jewish communities in the UK and US have much in common. Both find it almost impossible to recognise anything of danger to them, especially if that something or somebody is given the seal of approval by the likes of The Guardian (UK) or the New York Times. The English Defence League and Britain First  have been demonised - as has their German counterpart - by every liberal news outlet, and  given the same media treatment as if they were Nazis (it's the BNP, British National Party which are the Nazis). 
I think Sharia Law would be simply spiffing for us Brits.
Signed, Dumbo Dave
Britain First might not smell like a bunch of roses, but surely it's legitimate to want UK folk educated enough in order to stop the slow slide to Islamification, which the UK Labor, Liberal and Conservative Party under PM Cameron, are hell bent in facilitating! Britain First and the English Defence League have approach the so called Jewish leadership in the UK about forming an alliance against the common enemy of western civilization, a.k.a. ISLAM, but they have totally rejected any contact with both. It's true that some Jews in the US have not been taken in by the likes of Barry-I've-got-your-back-Obama; and some in the UK have actually dipped a cautious toe into Britain First, however the vast majority of  liberal Jews still don't "get it". 
If Israel understands the word "expedience" and puts it into practice when it's to their strategic advantage to do so, it's surely well past time for Jews in the Diaspora to understand this and act accordingly.    


Saturday, February 14, 2015


One of the many Islam's Alternative Universe sites, so called truthdig, has been squawking - along with Barry Obama of course - about the three Muslim students gunned down by a white guy in NC, U.S.A. Not that this is a lesser crime, but truthdig - like every Islamist apologist site I've ever visited - totally ignore anything to do with Islam's daily murder machines and it's ongoing war against the innocent and the West. 
That Turkey's Islamist Prime Minister a.k.a. the Toad of Turkey, has the friggin' cheek to wade into the waters is rich indeed; given that his country is still in denial about their 1.5 million genocide of non Muslim Armenians (1915-17). The West most certainly are no angels, but weighed against the totally intolerant Monsters of Mohammad, we don't smell too badly!

Go to who collate articles
published in the world media re Islamist/Jihad activities.


Friday, February 13, 2015


Over the last few decades, Sweden has become a world center of racist and anti-Semitic White Power music, with several anti-Semitic groups having established Swedish websites spreading their neo-Nazi propaganda. And not to be left behind, the Swedish Church has just recently initiated a boycott campaign [against Israel], a reminder of the commercial boycott of Jews in various societies in the past. So the once proud home of ABBA and porn is now an Islamist haven; and every left of center Swedish government - in that loopy, liberal, mindset way of theirs - has allowed the mad an' bad to run the asylum, all in the name of PC and fairness of course. 
The radical lunatics of extreme Right/Left and the plague of Islam are the society in waiting. The Swedes, having voted and participated in their countries decent into doomsville, will deserve to burn in the bonfire of their own making.


Fresh from them thar golfin' greens, Barry Obama couldn't praise the late Ms Mueller  more effusively, then continued the fantasy by saying she was,“the best of America.” Oh, really? Turns out the 26-year-old Islamic State hostage killed last week in Syria wasn’t many of the things her supporters described her as. In fact, Kayla’s passionate compassion was very highly selective. For Mueller was an Islamic terrorist sympathizer who worked for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM); which is as much a humanitarian organization as the KKK is a black benefit org. The ISM is a terrorist-linked outfit that continually attempts to sabotage the anti-terrorism activities of Israel; backs the enemies of the Jewish State, including Islamo-fascist Hamas and those in the Palestinian Authority who seek to destroy Israel. Obviously, for the psychos of Islamic State, Ms Mueller's pro-Islam credentials fell more than a ta short of what the Messenger for Muslims had in mind ... 

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Acknowledging it was "an enormously difficult story" to report,(well any truthful story must be a tad difficult for them) "NBC Nightly News" aired a segment in its broadcast about the six-month suspension of anchor, Brian "Pinocchio" Williams. NBC pledged through clenched teeth to make itself worthy of viewers' trust. 
They could start by announcing that everyone - including NBC - had known for months about Williams' self delusions.
My suggestions to clean up the NBC act would include the following:
(1) Polygraph all staff weekly.
(2) Staff telling porky-pies, thus failing test will have their forehead branded - Roman style - with: I'm A Lying Bastard.
(3) Forbid staff from watching any more than two minutes of Barry Obama in any one financial year.
(4) Oh, just close the friggin' station down permanently. There are already too many media fantasy factories as is. 


The Islamist wife and accomplice of the barbaric, now dead murderer of the four Jewish shoppers at a kosher market in Paris - you know, Obama's "random" event as he and his trolls put it - has been interviewed in a magazine published by Islamic States's PR Dept of Death, Destruction & Doom. 
Meanwhile, it must be a historic first when the Commander-in-Chief won't allowed himself or any of his nodding dogs to name the enemy by name; a.k.a. Muslim terrorists! It's just a vague "terrorists" and they're somewhere in the Middle East where it's sandy and usually very hot. If Barry was playing Charades, no one would ever get it. But he's no slacker when it comes to telegraphing to the "terrorists" what his master plan is going to be. For Obama has never understood that if you tell the enemy what you are doing - and in his case, not going to do - it gives them something called a very helpful heads-up. The Yank military and Intel agencies must be streaming steam from every orifice. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


“We have other ways of finding money. It could be the United States, it could be Russia, it could be China." So said the new Greek defence minister. The financially maxed out Zorbas, not content with going belly up and blaming the Germans for their self inflicted dire straits, went to plan "B" for a solution. They voted into power a gang of radical Lefty, financial Neanderthals to save their debt laden asses. Which is a bit like inviting Italian Capt. Rip Rock - that ship sinking, ship deserting mariner of Costa Concordia infamy - to captain your next Antarctic cruise. The Greeks are fast becoming the Palestinians of Europe; where everyone's to blame for their predicament but their own irresponsible, lazy arsed selves. If I wasn't against swearing, I'd tell the Med Club bleaters to fuck off and learn the art of financial accountability!



Turkey. Under the present democratically elected leader, still yearn to be another Islamist, Sharia Law State. Hater of Israel, big pal of Hamas and all things dark. But yesterday at Turkey's border there was a bit of a hiccup; for the Turks went and detained 14 would be Muslim neck slashing heroes of Islam who wanted to cross over in order to join the Caliphate Crew in Syria. Turkey (circa 1915-17) were responsible for the genocide of 1.5 million non Muslim Armenians and the Turk mentality has shown little change. Indeed, given Turkey's bloody history, they make Islamic State look rank amateurs. And Turkey's in NATO... what a stroke of friggin' genius that one!


In the Fatherland, a German judge ruled that the perpetrators who were arrested for fire bombing the Wuppertal Synagogue, were just engaged in "an act of protest". By his reckoning, Kristallnacht was only Hitler's Ruff Boys having had a few too many beers playing with matches. Should this fuckin' judge ever be given a good torching - it would after all - only be "an act of protest"...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Obama and the family of US aid worker Kayla Mueller confirmed on Tuesday that the last known American hostage held by Islamic State psychos had been murdered. Obama promising to “find and bring to justice the terrorists who are responsible,” means he's mouthed yet another empty platitude. Obama's history of broken red lines and doing fuck all except appease the enemies of Western democracies is legendary. Just over six years ago, Newt Gingrich warned American voters that Obama, if elected, would prove to be the most dangerous President that the U.S. would ever have in office. 
Roll the tape, Mr Gingrich

Monday, February 9, 2015


Among Arabs and Israelis, Islamic State is known as, and referred to, as“Daesh”.This being the Arabic language moniker which is used and understood throughout the Middle East and among most Muslims world wide. Now this newbie has been trotted out by Kerry, with others joining in the rush from that old Islamic State handle. But I see this name change in the West as being most helpful to the death cult crew of Islam. Why so? Well, given that 90% of Joe Public will think "Daesh" could be anything from a new Ben & Jerry flavor to an Nigerian laxative, any name that keeps the word Islam from the frontal lobs of the great unwashed, must bring great joy to Obama and the Allahs. 
Hi Sgt, is it OK to "friend" that nice guy in Daesh?


In the modern 21st century, it is so easy to dismiss biblical and other such writings as all so much superstitious tosh. We tech savvy folks don't need any old crapology as we head to our cyborg destiny. But what if we modern scientific folks are throwing the baby out with the proverbial bath water? The menace of mullah run Iran - Nazis in thought and deed - are throwing a party for dark entity types in celebration of their taking of power. Soon after their arrival in Tehran, hard core Islam with it's 7th century religious laws were imposed. Women and men were forced to abide by dress codes, women’s basic rights were taken away, women judges were fired from court, the "moral police" filled the streets; music and dancing were banned, and dissenters were murdered in their thousands inside and outside the country. Around 2000 years ago, when the Romans were doing their barbarian bit in Israel, Judea and Samaria - renaming it *Palestine for starters - some Jews had already fled to the desert and were busy writing about the final war between the sons of light against the sons of darkness a.k.a. the Dead Sea Scrolls. Now, after 2000 years, the history of the world has so far been scored thus: Sons of Darkness 300; Sons of Light 2. With the help of Obama the Faker, Iran will get it's nukes; so which camp would you place the Illinois Illusionist in? 
Was born a Jew, but changed sides. The
history is written from a Roman perspective
but is still well worth  reading.
Historical Note: The last Jewish revolt against  the Roman  occupation of their land, lasted for 4 years at an estimated human cost of 600,000 Jews and thousands of Roman soldiers. (Futher reading: The Wars of The Jews). The suppression of the revolt cost Rome so dear that after quelling it, Emperor Adrian, in order to punish the Jews and to eradicate the Jewish people from any identity to Eretz Israel (the Land of Israel) -  did an 90% ethnic cleansing of Jews from their land. And for good measure, ordered the renaming of Israel and Judea to "Palestine". The trick was this: the "Palestinians" were a non-semitic people who had originally come to from Greece; and as they were not a Semitic people, the renaming killed two birds with one Roman stone! However, round 10% of Jews never left, though most were scattered around the globe for the next 2000 years. The rebirth of Israel in 1948 was not just a recognition of the Holocaust; it was as much in recognition of  the Jewish peoples' historical and religious roots and rights to this land.
 (PS: The Arabs never arrived here until the 7th century. Calling themselves "Palestinians" only began after the Arabs got collectively thrashed by the Israelis in the Six Day War of '67).

Sunday, February 8, 2015


It took the grisly death of a Jordanian pilot to get some Arabs off their complacent butts - though to what end? We still have all the mega rich, West hatin' dudes living in the Gulf States, who created and still fund their Muslim psycho Frankensteins. One could have been a stale pita bread and still have figured why there is murder and mayhem among the Messengers flock. Well, it is his message after all! As they don't make padded cells in the necessary sizes to accommodate the Arabs and Iran, the next best thing is leaving them alone to continue creating their own Shia/Sunni hell-hole. 
Had the west made itself energy independent, we'd never have burned zillion of dollars trying to graft on to Islam's ass, such quaint ideas as democracy. But for Arab oil, we wouldn't have cared a flying fuck; and the likes of Clown Kerry and the other European limp wrists trying to act like nannies to the afflicted, wouldn't be such an embarrassment. 
Multinational companies and their kept politicians still behave like the three monkeys, and would much rather have a dose of pox than take any share of blame for the West's ongoing, foreign adventure disaster. Indeed, many in Washington, especially Barry Obama - who's a Muslim Brotherhood groupie - would rather stick pins in their dicks than accept the bleedin' obvious. Israel is the only real, sound, democratic ally in the Middle East worth investing time and dollars in. Arab countries - with their 40 shades of dysfunctional one party states and 7th century sheiks - are, as they have always been, just some friggin' mirage! 

Ah, back in Barry's den.What's under my arm?
It's our Muslim Bros mission statement called
Infiltrate, Indoctrinate then Obliterate
all infidels...

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Dutch and Scottish chimps have a different sounding grunt for “apple”, but when the Dutch animals moved in with the Scottish ones, they eventually adopted the local grunt. This occurred when a strong friendship had been established. 
An agreed word for "tackle" as in - what's under yer kilt laddie - hasn't as yet been forthcoming. 

Friday, February 6, 2015


Islamic State are doing it as per the Koran!
Obama has just had the usual bleating Muslim leaders up at the White House and you can bet they didn't have the following on their Koranic agenda!  So...does Islam prohibit burning people alive?  Nope, is the short answer; but let's hear it strait from the Koran. 
Muhammad, who spoke for Allah (4:80) and is considered the standard of perfect conduct for Muslims (33:21). Muhammad had no qualms about burning people alive.
 (1) December 627: Muhammad led an attack against the Al-Mustalaq tribe. Because that tribe fought back, Muhammad ordered their fortifications to be set on fire, even though the Muslims knew there were women and children inside.
(2) Around June 628, when Kinanah bin al-Rabi of the Jewish Bani al-Nadir tribe would not reveal where his conquered tribe’s treasures were hidden, Muhammad ordered one of his soldiers, “Torture him until you extract what he has,” so a fire was built on Kinanah’s chest until Kinanah nearly died.
(3) October 630: there was some resistance among the Muslims *(Hypocrites) toward a military expedition Muhammad was planning against the Byzantines at Tabuk.  Muhammad heard that these Hypocrites were gathered in a particular house, so he ordered that the house be burned down on top of them.  The Hypocrites managed to escape from the flames. 
(* Muslims deemed to be be not quite on message are known as Hypocrites and can therefore expect the same treatment as we infidels).

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Is there any government in South America not as bent as a banana? For years the Argies have been taking Iranian oil at a knock down price and have known all along who was really behind the 80's bombing of a Jewish center that resulted in 80+ deaths: Hezbollah, Iran's terror poodle.Watching some government lackey rant about it being a complete "conspiracy" was classic; and as for the man who was about to expose the truth being a suicide?  I'll take the Mossad version over lying, Latino dodge pots any day. 
Meanwhile, back at the Belt, Biden the Brainless and some so called VIP Dems are going to boycott the Bibi speech to Congress. Who the fuck cares what these political pygmies do. And if anything illustrates the difference between Barry and his band of complacent, smug incompetents and the King of Jordan it's this: on his flight back home from the U.S. there were already two necks of Islam's Nazis being stretched ; a starter and a signal to what IS and their supporters can now expect. 
If I'd taken a chip at the fourteenth I'd have holed
that baby.
When an American had his throat cut by IS, Barry mumbled some crass platitudes and was back on the golf course before you could say: So he's Commander-in-Chief? 
According to Obama, Islamic State are an "organisation". No, Barry. The Boy Scout Movement is an example of an "organisation". If many in the Muslim world are saying what Islamic State are, why can't Obama?  Well, we already know the answer to that one!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Hands up those who know the average number of coalition air strikes against Islam's IS psychos? The answer is twelve a day. Yep, just 12 a-fucking-day! That'll really "degrade and then eventually destroy them"  Barry!  With Obama saying all the things he won't do, the throat and burn brigade of IS must be thinking: 
(A) Barry must have a cunning military plan and it won't be good news for us when he launches it; or (B) Obama's just a friggin' clueless whoosh who toked too much in his youth. I vote the latter. 
Anyway, if it were a burger franchise, Islamic State have only a couple of sharia outlets, with hot PR. But the real player - Al Qaeda - are still by far the Big Mac of terror and death. They have hundreds of well greased drive-ins across the globe, ready and waiting. Run like a multinational, endlessly funded by two of our "allies" in the Gulf Arab States (Qatar and Saudi Arabia) they are the ones who will bring about the death of multitudes. And it will be their bio-babes, not nukes, which will usher in the area of Mad Max for us lot - if the west don't do nutin' about it!


The Israeli foreign minister urged world leaders to operate in the same manner as Jordan, with similarly harsh measures, in an effort to “destroy and eradicate” terror. Excuse me, but hasn't Israel (usually, but not always, under pressure from Barry Obama & Co) released terrorists and done deals with Hamas etc? Let's rewind and start again with this: when capturing some terrorist types, get whatever info, then the bullet. But I forgot; we're for "human rights" for all; even if it means releasing Islam's SS types from Gitmo so they can have another go at killing us. If the Allies had conducted WW2 with the same degree of stupidity as the liberal tendency displays, we'd have either been dead or speaking German!


Jerusalem Post contributing editor Caroline Glick - whom I admire - has been explaining that the recent Washington Post leak revealing CIA cooperation with Israel in assassinating Iranian-backed Hezbollah terror-master Imad Mughniyeh in 2008 was meant to delegitimize Prime Minister Netanyahu. 
I'm not quite sure why that would be the case. It's not news that Mossad are up for a quicky if it serves Israel's security interests, and that's fine by me. However, I don't follow the logic of why it would "delegitimize" Bibi? When it comes to whacking some bad dude, whoever the Israeli PM is at that time, it would ultimately be their call; so I don't subscribe to it being a particular problem for Bibi that the CIA and Mossad did a duet. With a world of global terrorists' networking, Jihad jerk offs and other bombing malcontenters helping each other to bring Armageddon another week nearer, more than ever it's imperative for info to be shared. Therefore, weekly meetings and sharing of Intel regularly between the main western Intel agencies is the norm - USA, UK, French, German and Israeli being the main acts - but it's certainly by no means an exclusive club. If something is deemed of mutual interest in the landscape of intrigue it can even bring together the strangest one night stand imaginable. They'll both slope off together and after a quick rumba at the Spook Ball with some understanding reached, they'll say ta ta before first light of morning; and the respective press, politicians and population will never know of this necessary dalliance. 
Was it good for you, Agent X?