Saturday, December 13, 2014


A piece in a Washington belt way bugle has reported on a major discovery by a so called "think tank."  'The government of Qatar continues to willfully turn a blind eye to individuals channeling money to al Qaeda-affiliated groups across the Middle East and to Islamic State extremists in Syria and Iraq, despite joining a U.S.-led military coalition battling the militant group.' No kiddin'!
This is old camel milk to those who understand and know the wily ways of the Arabs; and has about as much surprise value to anyone who has noticed that the sun has a habit of appearing in the morning and disappearing at night. While the head of NATO has been singing Qatar's praises this week, Putin  continues merrily on in his Border and Intimidation Tour. Taking the Crimea and going sailing in the Baltic Sea, the master of Russia's back-to-the-future has been busy rebuilding the lost empire, simply because Barry and Co along with the EU chorus are regarded by Vladimir as wet as a can of Bud. You've sort of got to admire Putin's poker playing, even though he's only across the table from a bunch of broken westie biscuits. (Image: Copyright Control)
 I'll raise you the world, weaklings...

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