Monday, December 1, 2014


Radical-in-Chief, Barry Obama and his Shit man Sharpton stir the race pot in Ferguson, while the Lemon drop kid, a CNN anchor, and other liberal media outlets feast on the continuing non-story. Year on year black on black murder rates hit 5 digit figures, but hey, that's not news to have an orgasmic time over, is it? Meanwhile, the Ferguson street riff-raff reduce their neighborhood to a set from WW2 and give themselves early Xmas pressies.The Democratic Party have bankrupt more American cities pouring billions of dollars into black communities but to no avail. Most living there still seem to wear their we-was-slaves badge with pride. I've had it with their friggin' endless excuses for failure.  Not one dime more. 
Millions have arrived on the shores of the US of A from about every country on the globe - most with little spoken English, a sack of rags and a few dollars - yet, for the most part, they or their descendants  have done something more meaningful with their lives and for society than open a crack house and father 15 children to different woman.  Enough, already!


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