Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Anyone who still  has any doubt, or lives in a permanent state of naivety about the U.N. should count the score card on the image. When launched after WW2, there wasn't much though given to the possibility that eventually membership would be given to dictators, mad Muslim mullah men and other rag-bags of human rights abusers. Currently housed in NYC, the U.N. has become one disgusting organisation; continually getting away with systemic bias while passing itself off to the gullible as custodians of morality, justice, and freedom.  Truth is, this odious anti-democratic organisation - who now largely represent countries governed by an assortment of mass murders, tyrants and perverts - should have it's HQ shipped off to a more appropriate city. I vote Tehran; the capital of a country which is already fully qualified and most certainly ticks every box. 
Failing a relocation, Western style democracies have everything to gain by taking the next exit out of NYC and leaving this gang of corrupt criminals to their own devices. Reforming the U.N. is a non starter!

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