Wednesday, December 31, 2014


We did not murder and starve to death 1.5 million Armenians...
and I'll shot any of you fuckers who say we Muslim Turks did!
The U.S. has asked Turkey to put pressure on that Islamo-fascist bastard child of the Muslim Bros a.k.a Hamas, in order to "reduce tensions and prevent violence". 
Such a request to that Islamist Dog of Turkey, Erdogan, is the equivalent of asking a known arsonist  to be fire chief. The known desire of Erdogan is an open secret; demolish the secular and take the high road to sharia law hell. But having this liability as part of NATO sits well with the leadership of western democracies game of World Monopoly, well illustrated as having on board the treacherous Paks and Gulf Arabs as "allies". Those who actually think they are masters of the universe, have seldom if ever, tried having a moral code as their way of doing business. They much prefer the guaranteed-to-fail expediency version; even though history has consistently shown, such a version will always come back and bite them on their not so smart asses. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


I have a dream. That before I leave office, I will have decimated
America militarily. I have a dream. That the forces of Islam will
bring the Caliphate to our shores. I have a dream. That the religion
of peace will bring the wisdom of Allah to all...whither they
like it or not...
Barry Obama. For being the most dangerous U.S. Pres ever. 
Had Obama been around when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the Grand Wazoo would have been making every excuse for the Emperor's winged messengers of death and why he still wouldn't commit the USA to enter WW2. Barry's latest pronouncement re Iran's scum-o'-the-earth regime, would make Chamberlain look like a war mongering hawk. The Ayatollah of Islam's death cult must be wondering: surely there must be a camel trap hidden somewhere? 
Hey. Give me a break. How the fuck should
 I know what's goin' down
Can Barry really be so naive about our nuke plans an' all? Similar thoughts will often have crossed the mullah machiavellian mind set; for surely nobody in Barry's lofty position can be such a push-over- patsy? 
Yep, fortunately for you, Turban of Treachery an' Terror, Barry is the real deal!

Monday, December 29, 2014


Mr Sever Plonker Plocker, writing in the Israeli press, posed this question: How does Israel repair the rift with Obama?
JuicyJaffa's answer is: Why in the fuck would Israel want to!
Barry, The Great Pretender, for many a year sucked on the teet of the anti-Semitic Rev Wright, while his bird Michelle partied with the Black Nazis a.k.a Farrakhan, the Fuhrer of Nation of Islam turd. Farrakhan is also on a U.K. no-fly list, by the way. What a pair! Talk about being known by the company you keep. 
And with her hubby receiving 70% of the Jewish vote second time around, really should blow off the cliche that Jewish folk are smarter than your average goy.

Barry and his spendthrift, vacation taking bird, are politically dead doo doo. 
With but a short lease left on their White House adventure and the Republicans waiting in the wings, there is no need for Israel to do much more Mr Plocker, than stay well away from behaving like ass kissin' fence menders! 

Sunday, December 28, 2014


American researchers say they're on track to solve the mystery of weight gain - and it has nothing to do with indulging in an of these! 

Could it be they are sponsored by the food industry? Scientists are akin to rattlesnakes for hire. If there's loads of personal moolah and mega bucks for their "research" they'll have flow and pie charts showing Joe Public and simple minded politicians their empirical evidence. Example: when a scientist with a moral compass went to extraordinary lengths to prove that lead in petrol/paint/children's toys and yer water pipes wasn't good for ones health, the multi nationals and those companies affected by his results, paraded their "scientists" who declared that Mr Anti-Lead should be fast tracked to a rest home. The list is almost endless of these immoral tossers taking the King's Shilling and not surprisingly barking and tail wagging their masters' bidding. The scientists who have found the "evidence" that it's really we humans who are mostly responsible for pushing planet earth to it's temp rising doom; these "scientists" findings should likewise be read after you've swigged a largish gulp from the Skeptic Bottle. There are many factors that made Ice Ages come and go, temps and shore lines to rise and fall over the last 2 million years...and we humans weren't one of them!

Friday, December 26, 2014


Pradeep Kuma Manukonda had a stint in the U.S. as a software engineer and was doing quite well for himself, until, according to his story, he pointed out security problems to Facebook, and since then, his life has been in mortal danger, so he told The Hans India.  He Pradeep, the self anointed saviour of Facebook, said that since then Zuckerberg and the Facebook Crew have been stalking him, his girlfriend, sister and his non existent dog. Pradeep says he has even been attacked by knives! (Oy vey! Can't a billion Zuckerberg bucks find a good assassin?) Pradeep has now asked a High Court for police protection.  The gist of it is, the world expert in cyber la-la-land thinks Facebook management is soooo terrified about his expert knowledge and is, therefore, spreading dastardly rumors that he, Pradeep is an Al Qaeda agent. 
Dear Mr Manukonda; have you visited a good shrink, changed your diet and stopped watching these Bollywood, Jimmy Bond type films yet? 
Pssst, Pradeep...I'd lay off the Scotch my boy.

Thursday, December 25, 2014


According to a confidential French intelligence document leaked to Le Figaro, a form of Muslim ghettoization is gaining ground within the French school system. The report says that Muslim students are effectively establishing an Islamic parallel society completely cut off from non-Muslim students. More than 1000 French supermarkets, including major chains such as Carrefour, have been selling Islamic books that openly call for jihad and the killing of non-Muslims.
Anyone with more than 10 brain cells has been pointing out to European appeasement fans, that the jihad jerk-offs would be coming for another crack at the Caliphate. For it was only by chance that Islam's Zombies for the Messenger of death, didn't Islamify Europe first time around!

What Hitler failed to do even with the help of Muslim SS Divisions (raised by that creature-of-the-night, Amin al-Husseini) this time around, Caliphate 2 has every chance of succeeding. Why so? Because the liberal tendency and the Left in  Europe have allowed the Muslim population to become around 50 million. Every other religious and ethnic group who have made their lives in Europe, while still keeping their individual culture and traditions, have for the most part, integrated and become a positive asset for Europe. But Muslims with a radical bent - and you can do your own maths on that one -  can't and won't be content until the Messenger's grand plan is complete. Just read Islam's mission statement a.k.a the Koran. It is a supremacist, intolerant creed no different from Hitlers; except smart uniforms and jackboots are not compulsory.
European politicians, with the help of the liberal media, have allowed the plague of Islam to spread; and you dear citizens will be having to accept Sharia Law in the the name of "tolerance." If nothing is done to stop this onslaught on your culture and societies, this will be the outcome. For wannabe Islamic State sympathisers are not at the gate; they are already living quietly in a  street near you.
Year on year, this is the
 Number 1 seller among Muslim
book buyers!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Y'all listen up there, you good Christian folks. When you come
 to that word, just sing:
 Born is the K-ing of T-a-co Bell. 
As if actively supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel wasn’t enough, turns out the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) considered banning the word “Israel” from its prayers! In a report on the Algemeiner, a resolution was presented to the 221st General Assembly; the impetus behind the proposal being to completely erase the word Israel from their prayers. The holier than thou brigade was all upset an' all by this here bit:“a section of hymns under the unfortunate heading: ‘God’s covenant with Israel.’” 
Jez...what a bummer. Big G signing that contract thingy with them thar pesky Jews. What was HE thinking of! Now, with some of the flock having a meet with the peeps of Islamist Iranian poodle, Hezbollah, the Presby Pus Pots will be celebrating the Fuhrer's birthday next. Calling themselves Christians has as much cred as a brothel keeper saying they run a Salvation Army homeless hostel. 


The Czech Republic’s Jewish community has expressed anger over the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin to a Czech Holocaust commemoration ceremony next month in Prague that will mark the 70th anniversary of the Red Army’s liberation of Auschwitz. Czech Jewish leaders oppose the invitation because of their opposition to Russia’s actions in neighboring Ukraine. Wrong call. There are plenty of politicos way before Vladimir I'd have on my list; starting with that little porker of North Korea and Blasio the bastard, currently the wrecking ball mayor of NYC. Let's face it, what country hasn't and doesn't protect and justify their actions re national interest stuff? My own dear  nation, Britannia - but the size of a postage stamp- once bit off 25% of the planet; and the Yanks as they became, didn't exactly find empty wigwams on virgin shores. Looking down the telescope from the Ruskie end, I too would not have taken lightly to the potential and very predictable loss of my only and very strategic naval base in the south (Ukraine desperate to sign up to the EU, NATO and all that). Over the past 1000 years, the map of Europe has changed more times than a life time of  your daily sock and underpant routine. To hear nations moralizing about others doing exactly as they have done, is a load of hypocritical tosh!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Top awards have been presented to the Goebbels School of Journalism hacks. To view, just copy and paste  the link below (or click and see if it works)for all the gen about the toss-pot prize winners!


Israeli high tech is becoming legendary. Israel’s Altair Semiconductor, a developer of high-performance, single-mode LTE chipsets, announced that its FourGee-3800/6300 Category 4 chipset has successfully achieved Verizon Wireless chipset certification. The certification means that Altair’s customers can get their products to the market faster by integrating the chipset into their devices, reducing the amount of testing required pre-launch. Altair Semiconductor produces high-performance, single-mode LTE chipsets. The company boasts that by focusing 100% on LTE solutions, Altair enables the introduction of competitively priced connected devices to the market. The company’s chips have been qualified by the world’s top LTE carriers. More than 30 original design manufacturers around the world have selected Altair to connect more than 80 end-user devices such as tablets, netbooks, USB dongles, portable hotspots, fixed routers and modems, and M2M applications.
Then there's David’s Sling. Israel's intercept short-range to medium-range rockets and missiles, which can deal with all contingencies, including Iran's Islamo-fascist goons Hezbollah’s Katyusha rockets. David's Sling range of coverage at present is three times that of the Iron Dome anti-rocket defense system. The system will be deployed in various areas around Israel for a trial period, the IDF added. After that, David’s Sling will also be set up to intercept hostile aircraft and missiles with longer ranges. Eventually, it should be able to intercept incoming cruise missiles as well. St.-Sgt. Maj. Yishai Rosenberg, head of the David’s Sling branch at the air force’s Equipment Squadron, said the most important aspect of David’s Sling is its integration into the existing layers of air defenses.
This is all good news, but the old adage: "The best method of defense is attack" is still probably Israel's first weapon of choice; and it certainly did the biz for them in the June of '67!


Anyone who still  has any doubt, or lives in a permanent state of naivety about the U.N. should count the score card on the image. When launched after WW2, there wasn't much though given to the possibility that eventually membership would be given to dictators, mad Muslim mullah men and other rag-bags of human rights abusers. Currently housed in NYC, the U.N. has become one disgusting organisation; continually getting away with systemic bias while passing itself off to the gullible as custodians of morality, justice, and freedom.  Truth is, this odious anti-democratic organisation - who now largely represent countries governed by an assortment of mass murders, tyrants and perverts - should have it's HQ shipped off to a more appropriate city. I vote Tehran; the capital of a country which is already fully qualified and most certainly ticks every box. 
Failing a relocation, Western style democracies have everything to gain by taking the next exit out of NYC and leaving this gang of corrupt criminals to their own devices. Reforming the U.N. is a non starter!

Monday, December 22, 2014


Pakistan's plan to give 500 of Islam's worst psychos the chop has got a Lefty /Liberal wah-wah amnesty group "deeply disturbed". Always more concerned with the wrong end of any outrage, they rush to the defense of every barbarian on the planet. The question is, why did the notoriously treacherous Paks take so long? Think of all dinners they would have saved had it dawned on them sooner. It took the recent murder of Pakistani children to get them off their Taliban friendly asses. Still, better late than never as the saying goes... 
The letter reads: where in the fuck are the bongo banging lefty
sisterhood when you need the bitches?


The murder of NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu on Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn NY, has heightened fears about the safety of law enforcement officials. Let's look at the NYC mayor's past: firmly left with it's delusional love of all things Cuban. Out of the blocks, Blasio's first mission was to dismantled the counter-terrorism unit. His love affair with the Muslim community coupled with the Democrat's PC naivety, amounts to placing citizens and tourists alike in potentially more danger from Islam's radical home grown allahu akbar brigade, who get their weekly infidel hate fix down at the mosque.  Blasio's like a mini Al Sharpton; race obsessed but with only one can of gas to pore on the fire, compared with that despicable race-baiter Sharpton's five. In Blasio's climb up the political grease poll he frequently had issues with anything in blue. Blasio's a dogma driven, lose cannon lefty who will set NYC back years; in everything from street safety to sewers, to which he has shown a particular affinity. (Image: Copyright Control)

Hey, bro, now you got the big office, we can
both shaft them righty-whitey asses! 

Sunday, December 21, 2014


There's a god awful stink very similar to dog do do. A study organized at the behest of the Public Utilities Authority (Electricity) of Israel's Tamar natural gas field, has confirmed that it's findings would make a Tony Soprano contract virtuous . Briefly, here's the outragious deal the suits have stitched the Israeli public up to: 
(1) the price of natural gas sold by the consortium, is linked to an energy price index, without ANY  regard to market conditions. In other words, the contracts lock Israeli buyers into artificially high and perennially rising prices for Tamar gas, even though buyers could get cheaper gas elsewhere!
(2) In addition, the contracts set a minimum price for gas,  independent of market conditions. But - get this - there is no maximum price, as is customary in contracts of this kind. 
(If you're an Israeli consumer of gas, are you reaching for your gun yet?)
So, instead of making energy cheaper for the Israeli consumer,- like all the hoo-ha said - the Tamar contracts will have the opposite effect, making electricity one of the biggest expenses in the Israeli economy! 
Those who agreed to this so called contract on the Israeli side of the desk should be parachuted into Gaza City with a sign stapled on their asses reading, "we crapped on Mohammed's tomb". 
But first, check out where the fuckers have stashed their alleged kick-backs...
Check list: money, passport, SwissAir one way ticket...

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Fed up with mobiles ringing and beeping during Mass, Father Michele Madonna has had a jamming device installed in his church in Naples, Italy to stop phones from going off. 
Boy do I want one for Christmas! With some airlines soon to allow the mobile plague to come to a seat near you - thus encouraging the biggest spike in air rage ever - what's to be done to save your sanity form banality babe sitting next to you? With every iphone idiot doing yer head in on a long flight, it will become an invaluable piece of kit; and when you can't bare one more second of that putrid, nattering air polluter, it will come down to (A) the jammer, or (B) ramming that piece of very expensive plastic down their non stop warbling throat! As yet, I haven't a clue if the jammin' gene will be portable enough; but if it's not, there's a fortune to be made by the company making it so!
The best 65 euros I ever spent!

Friday, December 19, 2014


When the Chicago Charlatan, Barry Obama says the above (it's his sort of newbie catch and cover everything phrase) you can be sure that your ass has a hole located as an exit for very similar content. Barry's latest Chamberlain moment is Cuba; home of Murder Inc. a.k.a the Castro Bros. Along with their now dead comrade, Che the Shit, still much admired by tee shirt wearing simpletons who seem oblivious of his part in the Left's Latin death cult. Tens of thousands were (and still are) imprisoned, tortured and killed simply because they disagreed with the radical Left's agenda of doom. The liberal tendency have no problems with Barry's Cuban cop-out; which is merely the test drive for his up and coming biggy: 
The Iranian Nuke Appeasement Show! 
So called progressives can smell right wing dictators like a pack of beagles, but remain mighty selective as to who can whack you into an unmarked grave and it remaining cool with them!
Pointing out they're  friggin' hypocrites is being more than generous to the wankers - Christmas spirit an' all that... 


Has Putin a problem? Yes, the rouble is currently in the rubble and with each passing day their economy begins to look less like Bloomingdale's and a tad more Dollar Store...but wait. The Ruskies came out of WW2 with more than a bit of collateral damage and there are not many people on the planet (except the Jewish variety) who have spent most of their history not just beating the survival odds but coming successfully through. So before the neo-Cons get all smirky, it's surely in nobodies economic interest for the Bear to get too may stings and lose the honeycomb.
Keep up with me Barry-O, or your ass is a goner!



Two months after mostly Gulf Arab donors pledged $5.4 billion to help rebuild Gaza, almost zilch has been pissed into the 5 times loser's pot. Ever since Israel modified the street plan of Gaza City, the first cousin of Islamic State - a.k.a. Islamo-fascist terror merchants Hamas - along with other top Pali bleaters and neo-Nazi UN, say barely 2 per cent of the money has been transferred. Boo-hoo! I have two questions: Why would anyone want to lose their wad on yet another dead camel race; and why Israel hasn't by now, made a runway of that fucking Islamist rat nest?

Thursday, December 18, 2014


The European Union's highest court of stupidity has ruled that obesity is officially a disability; meaning companies will need to provide accommodations for obese workers, such as larger seats and special parking spaces. Only around 0.5 per cent of the population, whither in the U.S. or Europe, have medical reasons for being weightier than a small planet; all the rest of us haven't any excuses if we stuff our faces to the dimension of an earth stopping asteroid. Question for the EU court jesters: Would a mega scale tipper come out of a Gulag?


The Japanese spineless sushis of tinsel town, have just given in to cyber terror and posted a big come-on for all future Hackers R Us. What with Barry Obama ordering his first shipment of Cuban smokes and Hollywood "Die Easy" on parade, from now on, all any country with the will to take down the yellow jello leg Inc and Co's is threaten; and surrender will come before their first email arrives! Those who fought and died in WW2 would be puking at the suits that are now in residence, whither it be Oval Office or elsewhere.


University of Nebraska football player Jack Gangwish beat to death a raccoon with a wrench because it wouldn’t pose for a “selfie”; and such is the mentality of this foot-balling fuck-wit, even admitted it on social media. He also posted this on Twitter: "I'm sure y'all be excited to hear that the results came back and i do not have Rabies! Actually, I was very much hoping for the opposite you cruel, arrogant twat! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Just when you think, the EU a.k.a. Eurostan, can't get any more perverse, they actually can. The lefty crew of the EU court system have just announced the the Islamo-fascist terror machine of Hamas - 12,000 rockets fired into towns and cities of Israel, suicide bombers and murderers of Israeli men women and children - will be dropped from the list of organisations which the EU designate as terrorist. Perhaps a dirty bomb from Islam's psychos might one day wake the fuckers up as to who the good guys and bad bastards really are! 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


What do I think of our $17 trillion
dollar debt? Sure could buy a load of

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush announced Tuesday that he plans to "actively explore" a run for president, taking his most definitive step yet toward mounting a 2016 campaign. If the GOP think that having another Bush name placed before the U.S. voters will be an ace, then I'd advise them to stay well away from Vegas. The late Mr Jackson's chimp would have a better chance of being elected!


Alarmed by the growing popularity of an anti-Islam movement in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel and other government leaders have appealed to the public to stay away from it and not to "become tools" in the hands of the organisers of such events.
Hey, hold them ho'ses there, partner! The western governments, having allowed just about every rag head Muslim Imam to call every week for the destruction of infidel western civilisations, have created the feeling among many ordinary folk that their respective governments are much too ready to let Islam's mentality create a defacto country within a country. In the Middle East, Islamic State are only carrying out the message of the Messenger; they are the real deal and are the front office for Islam. The EU - with 50 million Muslims now in residence - have given a mass market from which IS are only just beginning to take advantage. Western governments have created a dooms day potential for themselves and the Fuhrer must be uber pleased with the coming Muslim Reich!

Monday, December 15, 2014


A Saudi billionaire known as Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is going to launch a new satellite news channel, and he's come up with this very catchy, creative name: Alarab!
He said it would offer 'a completely new style of news programming in the Middle East and beyond'
What! like you mean, unbiased, investigative and challenging the status quo reporting? Oh, let's give Princy a few ideas for that ground breaking TV channel of his...

And you can knock me down with a Koran if it's content is less bent than the BBC's!


What more can be said about all the alleged Cosby stuff? Well, let's just say he's not very observant either. With the Plague of Islam virus rampaging across the planet like an pandemic, Bill said that if only everyone was more like Muslims, the world would be a much better and peaceful place. Is there something not quite right about Mr Cosby's judgment, or am I getting ahead of the jury? (Image: Copyright Control)
Now, I can't remember much about this particular evening
and I'm not too good with female names...


That waste of space, better known as Joe Biden, said without smirking once or any hint of irony, that the talks with Iran which began about a year ago and recently were extended for another seven months, had “brought significant benefits” and slowed down Iran’s nuclear program! Barry & Biden are two of the least qualified, most dangerous political wreaking balls, ever to be let loose from the Democrat's asylum.


Sunday, December 14, 2014


What can you say about the likes of Mr Lieberman? Perhaps that he's an unprincipled, politically confused opportunist? He's on record as saying that he'd hitch has harness to Labor (although they have nothing in common with his view of the universe) or perhaps even join the polar opposite gang! Given the chance, Lieberman would bat for whichever of the parties that look like winning the up coming Israeli elections. Are any of the parties really loopy enough to invite this loose mouthed, spinning top politico on board? If they trust three scorpions down their underpants believing they won't nip their nuts, then by all means, lumber themselves with Lieberman! (Image: Copyright Control)
Lieberman: A man who can't tell his ping from his pong. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014


The fact is, Japan invaded China and China took the brunt of the rampage of unbridled massacres perpetrated by the Japanese military machine against them, years before WW2 started. President Xi Jinping today said that China will never forget Japan's war time atrocities but it will not hold a grudge against the entire nation as the atrocious anti-human crimes were committed by the militarists.
Japan has gotten away with  their WW2 genocide with the connivance of the Allies (well, China being Commies and all that).  Japan was utterly ruthless against anything not Japanese and  need to do a Germany and admit that they were the aggressor. Japan were on the same page as Nazi Germany and acted accordingly right across the territory they went a-conquering before and during WW2. To this day, many Japanese who were born after 1945 are still not remotely aware of the war crimes committed by their country. A good place to start to rectify this dereliction of accountability would be to have historical accuracy injected into the books used in the Japanese education system. Currently, they imply that they were mostly the victim of aggression. Not true. (Images: Copyright Control)


A piece in a Washington belt way bugle has reported on a major discovery by a so called "think tank."  'The government of Qatar continues to willfully turn a blind eye to individuals channeling money to al Qaeda-affiliated groups across the Middle East and to Islamic State extremists in Syria and Iraq, despite joining a U.S.-led military coalition battling the militant group.' No kiddin'!
This is old camel milk to those who understand and know the wily ways of the Arabs; and has about as much surprise value to anyone who has noticed that the sun has a habit of appearing in the morning and disappearing at night. While the head of NATO has been singing Qatar's praises this week, Putin  continues merrily on in his Border and Intimidation Tour. Taking the Crimea and going sailing in the Baltic Sea, the master of Russia's back-to-the-future has been busy rebuilding the lost empire, simply because Barry and Co along with the EU chorus are regarded by Vladimir as wet as a can of Bud. You've sort of got to admire Putin's poker playing, even though he's only across the table from a bunch of broken westie biscuits. (Image: Copyright Control)
 I'll raise you the world, weaklings...

Friday, December 12, 2014


So the white coats of  science have finally caught up with what every woman already knows; not that the fare sex is much ahead of us with the hanging tackle. If this comes as news to anyone , take yourself off through the door marked, Thick An' Proud Of It. 
If anyone wants the idiot evidence for humanoids, there's zillions of examples out there, but I'll just choose a couple of my favs: 
(1) Putting legs of Robots. 
(2) Creating Artificial Intelligence. 
And if you really need it explained to you why, I rest my case.
Thank you, welcome to extinction...


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in an interview to the Egyptian press agency that he supports steps taken by Egypt against Hamas. 
Given that Abbas can speak out of every known body orifice simultaneously  - with a different message flowing forth from each and every one - I'd sooner believe camels going through the eye of a needle before anything that this Nazi loving, closet Islamist, treacherous pig-fucker says!


UBER sounds like a smart idea and certainly thinks it is, valuing itself at around $40 billion. But in essence, is it really so much different than that cowboy cab outside some airport, which the voice over the loud speaker warns you not to set foot in? Now with an alleged rape in New Delhi, India and with Spain and other countries beginning to rumble the Uber cool company, there's almost bound to be more loose wheels ahead for them new kids on the block.
In the U.S. the Portland Commissioner Steve Novick certainly isn't an Uber fan. “If Uber thinks there should be no maximum price on what they charge Portlanders, they should make their case to the Portland City Council. If Uber thinks taxi companies shouldn’t have to serve people with disabilities, they should make their case. If Uber thinks taxis should not have to have proper insurance in case of a crash, they should tell us why we should allow that.”
I  think the Portland chap has given the over confident Uber a puncture that was always waiting to happen.
 Uber says it will start implementing measures to ensure that rider feedback — especially when it's critical — is met with immediate action. Hmm... (Image: Copyright Control)
Uber man,Travis Kalanick selling the virtues of
getting into a vehicle that might just cost you more
than a few dollars...

Thursday, December 11, 2014


The U.N. says rich nations have pledged to take 100,000 Syrian refugees. Er...why the fuck us again? Why can't the oily Gulf states take their Muslim brothers and sisters? The western democracies are spilling over with 50 million Muslim malcontents who mostly hate us, are unemployable and cost the EU billions in hand let's have another 100,000!  Meanwhile, the head of NATO is praising that arch Islamist terror sponsor Qatar for it's role in combating terror. Except for a few, our leaders in the west are a combination of fairy flakes and friggin' retards!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


The CIA's "enhanced interrogation" of Islam's death cult, predictably makes the Park Slope-ers of Brooklyn, NY and their ilk elsewhere in Dems Den, U.S. of A  pin on their moral high ground badges and recoil in horror. They all love their middle class comfy sofas and the good life; but the dark details which contribute to keeping their status quo and asses safer are not at all welcome. You see, they and the liberal media they imbibe, actually believe that all nice folk (like them, of course) all they have to do is be nice to everyone, and hey presto, those who want to toast you and your country, will soon be dancing cheek to cheek with you. A lesson from history: To defeat real evil, you sometimes have to do things that are not in tune with the norms and values that is expected from a democratic nation. To think and believe otherwise shows that you're still a political child residing in Neverland with Peter.  

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


 Max Blumenthal:
One very, arrogant,  fucked up
self hatin' Jew. 
After years of sidling up to the line, the New York Times has finally gone pedal to the metal with the full-on anti-semitic op-ed by that arch racist Israel-hater Max Blumenthal. The op-ed reiterates Blumenthal's idee fixe - that Israel is an inherently racist and evil state that has no right to exist, essentially rejecting the Jewish people's right to self-determination. The self hating capo's magnum opus, "Goliath", is an openly anti-semitic screed whose primary theme is the blood libel; and that Israel is essentially indistinguishable from Nazi Germany. It was attacked even by the many critics of Israel  for being more or less ideologically identical to one of Islam's death cults, the genocidal terrorist group Hamas. The NYT - with it's anti-Israel drip drip by such useful idiots as Roger Cohen and The Moustache - have now gone Full Monty Max under the guise of free speech. (Image: Copyright Control)

Monday, December 8, 2014


As the cable and dish channels joust for audience ratings, there are more and more idiots with EVP meters and other paraphernalia roaming through the dark destinations of long ago doomed prisons, asylums and residential property of North America. Like a measles rash, paranormal groups have sprung up. Vans loaded to the roof, spending their days traveling and nights checking out locations that saner members of the human race avoid like a dose of VD.
(Image: Copyright Control)
So is it all just a load of hokum?
Over the years I have had my own experiences which can't easily be put aside as some psychological trick of the mind.
e.g. the strange case of furniture.
A high chair and first cot from one's early childhood - which you haven't seen since you give them away.
We drive to our new address on moving day, arriving there well before the moving truck company has. Open the front door to an totally empty house, wander about a bit down stairs, then proceed upstairs; and there they are in a bedroom. Your old high chair and cot. According to orthodox science, both items must just be similar and anyway, you just thought you passed them on, but actually you stuffed them absent minded into your SUV, this being their only logical explanation. But they did turn up and they were mine and we did have them for a few years so they were easy recognizable. Hand painted black with big green circles and the cot.
That  paranormal groups have many folk who have negative experiences with their naive dabbling is not a surprise to me.  For what do I or they understand about the ways of the universe? By about as much as my sleeping dog comprehends quantum theory.


Arab leaders are famously fractious, making that back stabbing bunch inside the Washington beltway look even a tad civilized. But according to Israel's Smadar Perry, they all agree - along with Barry and the Bastards - that they most certainly don't want Netanyahu winning the next Israeli elections; which should tell the voters all they need to know. 
Before acting like lemmings at the cliff, they should understand that all lefty political parties in Israel are a danger regarding Israel's security; for they still persist in waving their tooth fairy banners about making peace with the "death to Israel" throat cutting Pali Brigade. Haaretz and their Harlots are really just a pound of pork chops masquerading as kosher lamb. (Image: Copyright Control) 
Hey, what that Bibi was in a
Special Forces unit; led raids  
a few times behind enemy lines;
was wounded twice; fought in four wars.
He's still chicken shit...unlike moi...

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Six dangerous loony tune followers of the 7th century fantasist Messenger - who have been living it up in Gitmo for more than ten years at Yank tax payers expense - were flown to Uruguay for "resettlement" on Sunday. Another lefty South American basket case is welcome to have em'...but...somehow I can't see the Allahu Akbars staying any longer in that infidel workers paradise than it takes to order and eat a kebab. Barry hasn't any friggin' interest in the fact that they will be back in the Arab asylum known as the Middle East, plotting to kill Americans quicker than you can say, tie your camel Abdul. Calling Barry a cynical C word would be putting it much too politely!
Just a few more Muslim freedom fighters to fly off south. Cool, eh.