Saturday, February 7, 2015


Dutch and Scottish chimps have a different sounding grunt for “apple”, but when the Dutch animals moved in with the Scottish ones, they eventually adopted the local grunt. This occurred when a strong friendship had been established. 
An agreed word for "tackle" as in - what's under yer kilt laddie - hasn't as yet been forthcoming. 

Friday, February 6, 2015


Islamic State are doing it as per the Koran!
Obama has just had the usual bleating Muslim leaders up at the White House and you can bet they didn't have the following on their Koranic agenda!  So...does Islam prohibit burning people alive?  Nope, is the short answer; but let's hear it strait from the Koran. 
Muhammad, who spoke for Allah (4:80) and is considered the standard of perfect conduct for Muslims (33:21). Muhammad had no qualms about burning people alive.
 (1) December 627: Muhammad led an attack against the Al-Mustalaq tribe. Because that tribe fought back, Muhammad ordered their fortifications to be set on fire, even though the Muslims knew there were women and children inside.
(2) Around June 628, when Kinanah bin al-Rabi of the Jewish Bani al-Nadir tribe would not reveal where his conquered tribe’s treasures were hidden, Muhammad ordered one of his soldiers, “Torture him until you extract what he has,” so a fire was built on Kinanah’s chest until Kinanah nearly died.
(3) October 630: there was some resistance among the Muslims *(Hypocrites) toward a military expedition Muhammad was planning against the Byzantines at Tabuk.  Muhammad heard that these Hypocrites were gathered in a particular house, so he ordered that the house be burned down on top of them.  The Hypocrites managed to escape from the flames. 
(* Muslims deemed to be be not quite on message are known as Hypocrites and can therefore expect the same treatment as we infidels).

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Is there any government in South America not as bent as a banana? For years the Argies have been taking Iranian oil at a knock down price and have known all along who was really behind the 80's bombing of a Jewish center that resulted in 80+ deaths: Hezbollah, Iran's terror poodle.Watching some government lackey rant about it being a complete "conspiracy" was classic; and as for the man who was about to expose the truth being a suicide?  I'll take the Mossad version over lying, Latino dodge pots any day. 
Meanwhile, back at the Belt, Biden the Brainless and some so called VIP Dems are going to boycott the Bibi speech to Congress. Who the fuck cares what these political pygmies do. And if anything illustrates the difference between Barry and his band of complacent, smug incompetents and the King of Jordan it's this: on his flight back home from the U.S. there were already two necks of Islam's Nazis being stretched ; a starter and a signal to what IS and their supporters can now expect. 
If I'd taken a chip at the fourteenth I'd have holed
that baby.
When an American had his throat cut by IS, Barry mumbled some crass platitudes and was back on the golf course before you could say: So he's Commander-in-Chief? 
According to Obama, Islamic State are an "organisation". No, Barry. The Boy Scout Movement is an example of an "organisation". If many in the Muslim world are saying what Islamic State are, why can't Obama?  Well, we already know the answer to that one!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Hands up those who know the average number of coalition air strikes against Islam's IS psychos? The answer is twelve a day. Yep, just 12 a-fucking-day! That'll really "degrade and then eventually destroy them"  Barry!  With Obama saying all the things he won't do, the throat and burn brigade of IS must be thinking: 
(A) Barry must have a cunning military plan and it won't be good news for us when he launches it; or (B) Obama's just a friggin' clueless whoosh who toked too much in his youth. I vote the latter. 
Anyway, if it were a burger franchise, Islamic State have only a couple of sharia outlets, with hot PR. But the real player - Al Qaeda - are still by far the Big Mac of terror and death. They have hundreds of well greased drive-ins across the globe, ready and waiting. Run like a multinational, endlessly funded by two of our "allies" in the Gulf Arab States (Qatar and Saudi Arabia) they are the ones who will bring about the death of multitudes. And it will be their bio-babes, not nukes, which will usher in the area of Mad Max for us lot - if the west don't do nutin' about it!


The Israeli foreign minister urged world leaders to operate in the same manner as Jordan, with similarly harsh measures, in an effort to “destroy and eradicate” terror. Excuse me, but hasn't Israel (usually, but not always, under pressure from Barry Obama & Co) released terrorists and done deals with Hamas etc? Let's rewind and start again with this: when capturing some terrorist types, get whatever info, then the bullet. But I forgot; we're for "human rights" for all; even if it means releasing Islam's SS types from Gitmo so they can have another go at killing us. If the Allies had conducted WW2 with the same degree of stupidity as the liberal tendency displays, we'd have either been dead or speaking German!


Jerusalem Post contributing editor Caroline Glick - whom I admire - has been explaining that the recent Washington Post leak revealing CIA cooperation with Israel in assassinating Iranian-backed Hezbollah terror-master Imad Mughniyeh in 2008 was meant to delegitimize Prime Minister Netanyahu. 
I'm not quite sure why that would be the case. It's not news that Mossad are up for a quicky if it serves Israel's security interests, and that's fine by me. However, I don't follow the logic of why it would "delegitimize" Bibi? When it comes to whacking some bad dude, whoever the Israeli PM is at that time, it would ultimately be their call; so I don't subscribe to it being a particular problem for Bibi that the CIA and Mossad did a duet. With a world of global terrorists' networking, Jihad jerk offs and other bombing malcontenters helping each other to bring Armageddon another week nearer, more than ever it's imperative for info to be shared. Therefore, weekly meetings and sharing of Intel regularly between the main western Intel agencies is the norm - USA, UK, French, German and Israeli being the main acts - but it's certainly by no means an exclusive club. If something is deemed of mutual interest in the landscape of intrigue it can even bring together the strangest one night stand imaginable. They'll both slope off together and after a quick rumba at the Spook Ball with some understanding reached, they'll say ta ta before first light of morning; and the respective press, politicians and population will never know of this necessary dalliance. 
Was it good for you, Agent X?


Europe and the church of whatever were always on the look out for so called witchcraft and it's practitioners. The old, strange and those deemed a ta ugly or anyone not as pure as a priest, was fair game for the fiery stake treatment...and the burning of the innocent - mostly women - went on for centuries. The west has a very short memory. During WW2 as the Nazis swept eastwards, it was costing the Third Reich far too much in bullets and time; so they and their all too eager henchmen would herd mostly Jewish, men, women and children into the largest wooden building in each village they came into, an set the building ablaze. As the media and politicians reach for their dictionary to outdo each other in outrage at Islamic State's latest atrocity, we in the west are still well ahead on points.