Monday, July 27, 2015


A CNN piece of Koranic crapology - which the useful idiots at the lib channel have been chest beating about - and which could only be believed by those whose knowledge of Islam came from a book written by Reza Aslan; Iran's batty boy and major apologist for that Islamo-fascist regime. Just one of the 1000 myths is this: Arabs invented the zero (0). Like many other maths myths the Muslims make claim to, the fact is that this work of genius was brought from Indian to the Middle East by Arab traders. It was the Indians who came up with what we wrongly call, "Arabic numerals". Up until then, it was these pesky and impossibly clunky Roman things that were in use. Try to multiply or divide these babies and, except for buying a jar of olives, you'll understand how totally useless they are. Nope, it was not a Muslim invention. Our present day numbers and the brilliant zero came from clever folk in India. 
To clear up any lingering misunderstanding about what Islam put in the invention pot, a 14th-century dialogue between Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologus and a Persian Muslim scholar went like this: “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.” 
Yes folks, that more accurately sums up the Islamic contribution(s) to mankind!

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