Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Folk who still think this is a reasonable and balanced  deal, I'd like to draw attention to a couple of rather neglected points which most media seems to have little or no interest in. The Deal explicitly states: that the United States and the other P5+1 powers can help Iran deflect and even “respond” to sabotage and threats to its nuclear sites and even to stage a counter-attack on the source of the threat."  This is stated in Annex III of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). It's on page 142: Annex III: Civil Nuclear Cooperation, Section D 10.  "Co-operation" also includes "training and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems". As Israel is assumed to have been behind the Stuxnet cyber attacks on Iran’s centrifuges at the Natanz nuclear facility in 2010, which set back the Iranian nuclear weapons program, this agreement provides for assistance from the United States and the other P5+1 countries to thwart “sabotage” on Iran’s nuclear sites.
Put bluntly, if Israel should attempt to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities - in similar vein to the Iraq and Syrian pre-emptive strikes - thanks to this deal, Israel could find itself being in a direct military confrontation with the United States. I guess this is what Obama meant by having Israel's back!

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