Wednesday, January 21, 2015


A new study compiled by the white coats of science, states that drinking four cups of coffee a day may protect against malignant melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. Study participants who drank four or more cups of coffee daily were 20 per cent less likely to develop malignant melanoma . All very good, but like all of these "studies" the first question to ask is, who's funding it? If say, Coffee Bean Growers Inc. shell out research grant moolah, it might come as no surprise they suggest drinking big black steaming mugs in volumes similar to the late Frank Zappa. Or they may hint, it may make one impervious to a plutonium leak. You might have noticed the words may, perhaps and if, abound in most newly minted studies - whatever the subject under investigation. If one takes the food and drink findings of every study as gospel - over three score years and ten - you'll be performing more U-turns than a London taxi driver in diet and life style. Everything in moderation, as yer granny may have said...
I'm sure I've found the holy grail; but first I'll need a few million
of you to die to prove my empirical evidence.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Greetings, earthlings. I'm Jacky L and boy does
LA need me!
Jack Lindblad, a potential US Senate candidate for the Green Party stated - through channeling the voice of the High Priestess of Krakatoa - that he was recently ejected from a Flat Earth Democrat Truthers meeting because he voiced his own theory about the Paris murders. Seems whack-o Jack's view was a twirl too far even for the likes of the zombie Dems of Barry the Faker. And Jack's theory? The real planners behind the brutal attacks in Paris were not Islamic peace-niks; the killings were carried out on the orders of US and Mossad agents, who controlled these nice, Koranic luvin' Muslim boys, by means of a dick-head chip implant.  Jack - who recently returned from a mind entanglement trip to planet Zog - confirmed that a moonbeam used telepathic means to convey yet another revelation to him; the re-election of Israeli PM Bibi being the sole objective behind the Paris attacks. Lefties and Green Beaners have a long history of falling off the hillside of planet politics.

Monday, January 19, 2015


If anyone still needs persuading that most EU leaders and their political rubber stampers understand next to nothing about Islam and are as much good as a glass eye at keeping our peasant asses safe, carry on reading the piece in italics.
The European Union has called for an anti-terror alliance with Arab countries to boost cooperation and information-sharing in the wake of deadly attacks and arrests across Europe. Federica Mogherini, the EU foreign policy chief, said on Monday that "we need an alliance. We need to strengthen our way of cooperating together". Some EU ministers emphasised the importance of working with Muslim countries, rather than blaming them for the problem.
Memo to EU Minister Mogherini: 
Q: Where does Minister Mogherini think Islam's ruff boys get their funding from? Any bells ringing in Brussels? Nope? 
Your answer should be: The very countries which you think you "need  an alliance" with! They are the  paymasters for Islam's barbarians and Crew Caliphate. Open a history book, dumbo.

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Do I change at Penn Station?
On Saturday, Egyptian security sources reported that they'd found a mega Hamas tunnel, running under the Gaza-Egypt border. Not surprisingly, the subway to hell contained a large number of explosives, mortar shells and the like. As I type, the  Egyptians will be blowing the shit out of all the Islamo-fascist mole-rats diligent work. The tunnel was said to be the largest in the area, running for nearly a 1000 meters. It's entrance was located inside a house  in the Bronx that belonged to an Egyptian smuggler. However, the owner of the house managed to leg it before the security forces grabbed his ass. Abdul's house will be given the same big-bang treatment as the afore mentioned. Speaking of houses, for some weeks the Egyptians have been bulldozing hundreds of houses at the border, in order to make it easier for them to see what the Bastards of Hamas are up to. The Pali death cult have been helping every black flag Islamist group who roam the Sinai, killing Egyptian military personnel. As you can imagine, Hamas have pissed off the folk who reside in the land of the  pyramids. Interestingly, not a squeak from all the usual suspects, given the extent of Egyptian landscaping.
Where the fuck am I, Mr Donkey?

Friday, January 16, 2015


With anti-terror squads kicking in doors across Europe, it turns out not surprisingly, that the door busters weren't looking for Buddhist or Hare Krishna folk. But it always surprises Barry Obama & Co that it's Muslims they're following the scent trail of. How many ways can one say it, so Barry and his band of lefty/liberals finally flip off their in denial switch; then they too could let the phrase sound forth from their currently clamped shut jaws: "it's always friggin' Koran carriers!"


With oil production surging and waning growth, the world is awash with oil. Oilfield services giant Schlumberger plans to cut 9,000 jobs as the global collapse in crude oil prices crimps production in 2015 and perhaps even longer. The cuts — nearly 8% of Schlumberger's 120,000 workers, were announced Thursday "to better align with anticipated activity levels for 2015,'' the company said. 
It's no coincidence that as America was about to become an oil exporter (due in part, to America's massive investment in their shale reserves) that the Saudis kept and still keep pumping, thus helping to push the price of oil to the floor. But why? Well, the Arabs are shitting themselves about loosing their oil domination, so what better way to keep their pole position than strangle the born again American oil industry at birth! The goat herd camel jockeys can afford to keep pumping 24/7 glut or no glut, which in the long run, is most definitely not in Western or U.S. oil producers interest. So do stop all that cheering about falling gas prices at the pump; it might be your job to go next! 


 A never talks Intel secrets to ma Muslim
Jihadist friends  anyone. So we're comin' for
your infidel ass rest easy
 fellow caliphate lovin' bros
That Islam friendly, useful idiot rich bitch - also know as Nancy Pelosi - has struck again. It ain't surprising in the least that the Muslim Brotherhood linked Andre Carson would get another plum number from Barry Obama's administration. After all, he has all the right opinions. Carson (photo left) once said that “9/11 was tough on Muslims.” Did he even mention the victims and the 9/11 families?  The Muslim Bro fan once echoed the still fashionable view among Leftists and Islamic supremacists that the real victims of jihad terror are the Muslims. The poor wee souls are subjected to suspicion and scrutiny in the wake of every jihad attack. (Well there is a solution: stop your friggin' loonies from bombing and murdering around the globe). But the Left and Carson are much more concerned about “Islamophobia” than about jihad terrorism itself; so it is not hard to see why Pelosi would admire and favor the likes of the very dodgy Carson. How stupid can some Democrats be? Off the Richter Scale with this dumb tart!