Monday, January 19, 2015


If anyone still needs persuading that most EU leaders and their political rubber stampers understand next to nothing about Islam and are as much good as a glass eye at keeping our peasant asses safe, carry on reading the piece in italics.
The European Union has called for an anti-terror alliance with Arab countries to boost cooperation and information-sharing in the wake of deadly attacks and arrests across Europe. Federica Mogherini, the EU foreign policy chief, said on Monday that "we need an alliance. We need to strengthen our way of cooperating together". Some EU ministers emphasised the importance of working with Muslim countries, rather than blaming them for the problem.
Memo to EU Minister Mogherini: 
Q: Where does Minister Mogherini think Islam's ruff boys get their funding from? Any bells ringing in Brussels? Nope? 
Your answer should be: The very countries which you think you "need  an alliance" with! They are the  paymasters for Islam's barbarians and Crew Caliphate. Open a history book, dumbo.

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