Thursday, January 15, 2015


You may have noticed that the liberal media - after Paris, even they can't keep their heads up their collective asses - have found a way around that awkward, radical Islam bit. 
OK, lads. Once more with feeling: allahu akbar!!!
You nailed it that time, guys.
Now, whose for a bacon sandwich down
Outrages by Islamic State and Boko Haram - according to   the likes of the CNN and MSNBC news spinners - are actually being carried out by fake Muslims. The death cult crews of Islam are not really anything to do with Islam. In fact, they are not Muslims at all; they only think they are! It's like the captain of the Titanic saying; Nobody to the life boats,we've only rammed a marsh mallow. 
Along with their fuhrer Barry Obama - who's a top duckin' an' divin' act- most of his sycophantic liberal army are all lip syncing the same message: Nope; no Muslims doin' them bad ass things! Strangers to truth, indeed.
 No Muslims here, we're all just Hollywood extras...

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