Thursday, January 22, 2015


What's this? I ordered the surrender monkey special.
American Sniper has broken box office records that had been set by blockbusters like Avatar, Passion and Hangover Part II . By the film refusing to demonize American soldiers or to spin conspiracy tales about the war, American Sniper has pissed off  90% of Hollywood's usual suspects a.k.a the west coastal progressives. The very same folk who jump into roles with mindless gratuitous violence, car chases and crashes ever 90 seconds and a script with a chimp credit; but hey, we're just making a living and that's cool!
Oh, Barry. Please say the naught words just once
for your Tommy-kins...
Meanwhile, over on the east coast - that lefty Obama leg humper of the NYT, Tom Friedman, has actually been throwing stale bagels at Barry.  Even Friedman has been up-chuckin' at his hero, who has consistently failed to call a quacking duck a duck. Each day, Barry and his mouth pieces contort the English language desperately trying to find new ways so as not to utter Barry's forbidden words: Radical Islam!  But for how much longer?

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