Thursday, January 8, 2015


US director of National Intelligence James Clapper said the recent cyberattack against Sony Pictures, which Washington has blamed on North Korea, is the most serious such attack ever against US interests. Er...I think Mr Clapper should have crossed checked with the FBI; for the've said that the Sony attack was not such hot shit; and that those individuals who launched it might very well be caught. Do send a wee postcard to each other from time to time.
Dear James, try checkin' with us before catching another crab.

Meanwhile, Barry Obama's managed yet again to exclude the Islam word, when speaking about the French terror attack on liberty and freedom of speech. Here's a clue Barry - who's a proven Islam appeaser - that the perpetrators of the Paris outrage weren't some fringe Buddhist sect. The terrorists shouted out: "Allahu Akbar" and "We've avenged the Prophet"  Do these words ring a bell, Barry?

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