Monday, January 26, 2015


Just what Greece didn't need was a big vote for the Lefty Woombat Party. It has "promised to stop austerity" as if "austerity" was a seldom used bus route to be axed in a jiffy. The Greek Woombats, like all lefty brigaders, are economic illiterates with a book of Marx stuffed down their under pants. Anti-Israel is a given, and their pals - the Koranic of Allah - being similar in mentality, fits well. Greece got itself into this mess by living for years totally beyond their financial means; very much like Yanks, but without the advantage of dollar printing presses going 24/7. The EU has got to boot Greece out of the Euro Zone; and if the Greeks think times are hard now, just let them live with the currency of tooth fairies and learn how Cuban and Venezuelan folk endure!
Venezuelan folk day-queuing for life's little food!
And the Lefty government in the workers paradise has just
banned night Q's! 

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