Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Thousands of Britons and tourists were put at risk from radioactivity when Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned, a public inquiry has heard. True/False? I'm not an expert on such matters, but it's a given that all Intelligence agencies from whatever country, knock each other's agents or indeed anyone off, if it concerns what they regard as a major national security issue. Actually threatening to or being totally stupid enough for your ego to open it's big fat gob when it needs to be closed for eternity e.g. Capt Bob a.k.a. Robert Maxwell, will  most definitely shorten ones life. That being the case, why is that narcissistic little bastard, better known as Snowden the Shit, still doing chat show engagements? Probably just not cricket for the Yanks to whack the traitorous tosser who's currently ensconced in the buxom bosom of Mother Russia. 

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