Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Anyone who still  has any doubt, or lives in a permanent state of naivety about the U.N. should count the score card on the image. When launched after WW2, there wasn't much though given to the possibility that eventually membership would be given to dictators, mad Muslim mullah men and other rag-bags of human rights abusers. Currently housed in NYC, the U.N. has become one disgusting organisation; continually getting away with systemic bias while passing itself off to the gullible as custodians of morality, justice, and freedom.  Truth is, this odious anti-democratic organisation - who now largely represent countries governed by an assortment of mass murders, tyrants and perverts - should have it's HQ shipped off to a more appropriate city. I vote Tehran; the capital of a country which is already fully qualified and most certainly ticks every box. 
Failing a relocation, Western style democracies have everything to gain by taking the next exit out of NYC and leaving this gang of corrupt criminals to their own devices. Reforming the U.N. is a non starter!

Monday, December 22, 2014


Pakistan's plan to give 500 of Islam's worst psychos the chop has got a Lefty /Liberal wah-wah amnesty group "deeply disturbed". Always more concerned with the wrong end of any outrage, they rush to the defense of every barbarian on the planet. The question is, why did the notoriously treacherous Paks take so long? Think of all dinners they would have saved had it dawned on them sooner. It took the recent murder of Pakistani children to get them off their Taliban friendly asses. Still, better late than never as the saying goes... 
The letter reads: where in the fuck are the bongo banging lefty
sisterhood when you need the bitches?


The murder of NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu on Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn NY, has heightened fears about the safety of law enforcement officials. Let's look at the NYC mayor's past: firmly left with it's delusional love of all things Cuban. Out of the blocks, Blasio's first mission was to dismantled the counter-terrorism unit. His love affair with the Muslim community coupled with the Democrat's PC naivety, amounts to placing citizens and tourists alike in potentially more danger from Islam's radical home grown allahu akbar brigade, who get their weekly infidel hate fix down at the mosque.  Blasio's like a mini Al Sharpton; race obsessed but with only one can of gas to pore on the fire, compared with that despicable race-baiter Sharpton's five. In Blasio's climb up the political grease poll he frequently had issues with anything in blue. Blasio's a dogma driven, lose cannon lefty who will set NYC back years; in everything from street safety to sewers, to which he has shown a particular affinity. (Image: Copyright Control)

Hey, bro, now you got the big office, we can
both shaft them righty-whitey asses! 

Sunday, December 21, 2014


There's a god awful stink very similar to dog do do. A study organized at the behest of the Public Utilities Authority (Electricity) of Israel's Tamar natural gas field, has confirmed that it's findings would make a Tony Soprano contract virtuous . Briefly, here's the outragious deal the suits have stitched the Israeli public up to: 
(1) the price of natural gas sold by the consortium, is linked to an energy price index, without ANY  regard to market conditions. In other words, the contracts lock Israeli buyers into artificially high and perennially rising prices for Tamar gas, even though buyers could get cheaper gas elsewhere!
(2) In addition, the contracts set a minimum price for gas,  independent of market conditions. But - get this - there is no maximum price, as is customary in contracts of this kind. 
(If you're an Israeli consumer of gas, are you reaching for your gun yet?)
So, instead of making energy cheaper for the Israeli consumer,- like all the hoo-ha said - the Tamar contracts will have the opposite effect, making electricity one of the biggest expenses in the Israeli economy! 
Those who agreed to this so called contract on the Israeli side of the desk should be parachuted into Gaza City with a sign stapled on their asses reading, "we crapped on Mohammed's tomb". 
But first, check out where the fuckers have stashed their alleged kick-backs...
Check list: money, passport, SwissAir one way ticket...

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Fed up with mobiles ringing and beeping during Mass, Father Michele Madonna has had a jamming device installed in his church in Naples, Italy to stop phones from going off. 
Boy do I want one for Christmas! With some airlines soon to allow the mobile plague to come to a seat near you - thus encouraging the biggest spike in air rage ever - what's to be done to save your sanity form banality babe sitting next to you? With every iphone idiot doing yer head in on a long flight, it will become an invaluable piece of kit; and when you can't bare one more second of that putrid, nattering air polluter, it will come down to (A) the jammer, or (B) ramming that piece of very expensive plastic down their non stop warbling throat! As yet, I haven't a clue if the jammin' gene will be portable enough; but if it's not, there's a fortune to be made by the company making it so!
The best 65 euros I ever spent!

Friday, December 19, 2014


When the Chicago Charlatan, Barry Obama says the above (it's his sort of newbie catch and cover everything phrase) you can be sure that your ass has a hole located as an exit for very similar content. Barry's latest Chamberlain moment is Cuba; home of Murder Inc. a.k.a the Castro Bros. Along with their now dead comrade, Che the Shit, still much admired by tee shirt wearing simpletons who seem oblivious of his part in the Left's Latin death cult. Tens of thousands were (and still are) imprisoned, tortured and killed simply because they disagreed with the radical Left's agenda of doom. The liberal tendency have no problems with Barry's Cuban cop-out; which is merely the test drive for his up and coming biggy: 
The Iranian Nuke Appeasement Show! 
So called progressives can smell right wing dictators like a pack of beagles, but remain mighty selective as to who can whack you into an unmarked grave and it remaining cool with them!
Pointing out they're  friggin' hypocrites is being more than generous to the wankers - Christmas spirit an' all that... 


Has Putin a problem? Yes, the rouble is currently in the rubble and with each passing day their economy begins to look less like Bloomingdale's and a tad more Dollar Store...but wait. The Ruskies came out of WW2 with more than a bit of collateral damage and there are not many people on the planet (except the Jewish variety) who have spent most of their history not just beating the survival odds but coming successfully through. So before the neo-Cons get all smirky, it's surely in nobodies economic interest for the Bear to get too may stings and lose the honeycomb.
Keep up with me Barry-O, or your ass is a goner!