Tuesday, June 17, 2014


The decision to reopen the UK embassy in Tehran is 'not a softening of policy.' Thus saith a non smirking Foreign Secretary William Hague; not really reassuring anyone among the MP's except the terminally brain dead among them. This kind of crapology and appeasement stuff one expects from the Labour and Liberal Party; so the only conclusion I can draw from Hague's Tory twaddle is that the UK Embassy opening again is just a marketing beech head in order for the Brits to get their greedy, unprincipled snouts into the Iranian trough in front of the Yanks and Euro brigade!
Multi million pound contracts, my boy!


Not new, but if you've never seen this, it tells you more with humor about the mentality of Islam than a thousand articles about the Death Cult ever could! Click the link below:

Monday, June 16, 2014


“Terrorists kidnap Israeli children, while we (in Israel) treat in our hospitals sick Palestinian children. That is the difference.” Bibi.
Some of the most cynical and downright ugly reporting on the kidnapping of the three Israeli teens has come from the UK via Sky News. According to them, it isn’t the kidnapping of Eyal Yifrach, Gil-ad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel that has sparked this crisis, but Israel’s response! It all started when Israel went looking for it's boys, according to Sky; who for once even outdid the BBC in pro-Palestinian bias!


On May 23, 2014 just before the Pope came to Israel, the Hizb Al-Tahrir movement - a Caliphate promoting group - were in town yelping their usual stuff; telling their followers from nutsville that the main goal of unifying all Muslim countries into a single Islamic state, ruled by that tolerant thingy called Sharia Law is the only game in town. The cream of the crop held their mass rally at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on top of the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem. The crowd were waving Islamist black flags while the speakers from the Death Cult called out to the gathering of would be psychos, "Don't you care that the Jews are defiling the place of the Prophet's nocturnal journey with their filth?" 
First, they'll come for the Jews...oh then it'll be your turn. If you can't follow the Islamist plot, you'll  deserve to be Islamified! (Image: Copyright Control)


Obama’s foreign policy can be summed up thus – ‘Reset,’ ‘Pivot,’ ‘Red Lines,’ and ‘Leading from Behind’. To call Obama a failure is being much too generous!

Sunday, June 15, 2014


My friends, on the one hand we have our religion of peace,
but on the other...
Saudi TV says that Sesame Street is yet another Jewish plot to snare non-infidel children. Nabil Hammad (photo) explains that western childrens' TV shows, "are all part of a Jewish-Zionist conspiracy to destroy the moral values of humanity." Jez, I'm so glad you told me; for here I was thinking that it was something to do with the nihilism exhibited by Radical Islam. Wahhabi, being the particular brand of 7th century Muslim madness still being manufactured in your very own sandy land and exported globally by your well funded Saudi Agency: Jihad Inc. Now I can sleep easy knowing that you folk are taking care of the needs of the "moral values of humanity" in your own inimitable way...
(Image: Copyright Control)


When you treat animals like disposables, it makes it so much easier to do the same with human beings.
Males don't produce eggs, so this is what most commercial
egg producers do. I'm no veggie, and buy eggs that are free range.
Think about doing the same.