Monday, June 16, 2014


On May 23, 2014 just before the Pope came to Israel, the Hizb Al-Tahrir movement - a Caliphate promoting group - were in town yelping their usual stuff; telling their followers from nutsville that the main goal of unifying all Muslim countries into a single Islamic state, ruled by that tolerant thingy called Sharia Law is the only game in town. The cream of the crop held their mass rally at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on top of the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem. The crowd were waving Islamist black flags while the speakers from the Death Cult called out to the gathering of would be psychos, "Don't you care that the Jews are defiling the place of the Prophet's nocturnal journey with their filth?" 
First, they'll come for the Jews...oh then it'll be your turn. If you can't follow the Islamist plot, you'll  deserve to be Islamified! (Image: Copyright Control)

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