Saturday, June 21, 2014


For the first time since World War II, the number of people forced from their homes by war, famine and conflict worldwide, has surged past 50 million, the United Nations Refugee Agency stated today. Fifty million, eh? Fact: Did you know that the Palestinians have their very own special refugee status and therefore their very own agency at the UN? Exclusively for them. Only just them, the planets top bleaters. Over the years, Palestinians have had $billions of dollars given to them, which they've manged to totally squander. It's beyond absurd, but of course it's totally politically motivated by all the usual suspects this Palestinian Only scam. But given the figure of 50 million, it's also most definitely friggin' obscene! If bleating and terror were a category, the Pali Brigade would win the world cup!
Johnny, ma boy; what's a few $billion dollars more?

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