Thursday, June 12, 2014


Should the ISIL - yet another Islamist psycho troop of baboons - succeed in taking Baghdad, it would be a biggy. American and tens of thousand of other lives lost in vain; billions upon billions of dollars wasted for what was always a given, by anyone that could answer this easy question: What is the mentality of Arab governments? Clearly, both Bush and Obama dodged that afternoon class. Baghdad falling to the Allahu Akbar mad men of Islam is sure to inspire other Islamist knuckle dragers to tumble out from their mental health clinics around the Middle East to join the barbarian ball. A possible regional civil war between Shi'ites and Sunnis? Let's all face Mecca and give Allah a big Oh, Yes Please! 
If the carnage stays an Islam-Jihadist only show, fine by me. Let all of Islam's finest race each other to the tomb; but what if the Syrianesque goings on spill forth from their sandpit? Then the West and Israel must surely have to engage them in order to finish off their Caliphate Dreamin' Tour once and for all.  

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