Sunday, April 6, 2014


 'The Palestinians are not interested in a historic compromise that will include two states living side by side with one another where the only issues left to resolve involve borders. On the contrary, the Palestinians believe that Israel should be a Palestinian state where some Jews live.' Very politely put, Ms X
Here's the background story to why: most of the mainly pagan Arab tribes - some became Christians - located in Arabia back in the 7th century, generally lived in harmony with Jewish settlements which had preceded the Arabs in that region. But when a majority of the Arab tribes embraced that supremacist cult (known to us as Islam), the Arabs began their genocidal rampages across the planet. 'Convert or death' was and still is, their esteemed leader's No.1 order of the day. Since then, there never has been any chance of a real peace with anyone not committed to their view of the universe.

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