Monday, April 1, 2013


Just where the fuck are we?

Saudi Arabia may block access to popular Internet messaging applications like Skype, Viber and WhatsApp "The sense that I get is weariness," said Eman Al-Nafjan, one of Saudi Arabia's most prominent bloggers, while describing the online reaction she's encountered so far. "A shrugging shoulders -- as if it's typical. A lot of human rights activists that communicate in Saudi Arabia do so using WhatsApp," added Al-Nafjan. "And women's rights movement members are communicating using WhatsApp."  Saudi authorities threatened to ban BlackBerry service in the kingdom in 2010, accusing the company of not complying with regulations. For example; suggesting Saudi women could be let out of the house without a minder, take a driving lesson or have a thought of their own. Saudi Arabia: top prize misogamists and Jihad backers. Without their oceans of oil, they'd still all be goat herd Johnnies and camel keepers. (Photo: Copyright Control)

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