Tuesday, January 29, 2013


During last Sunday’s “Sixty Minutes” joint interview with President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Obama boasted that “You know, when it comes to Egypt, I think, had it not been for the leadership we showed, you might have seen a different outcome there.” You can now press the button reading: DELUDED OR WHAT! Under Obama’s self-described “leadership,” his administration sold a totally false image to Joe Public of the Muslim Brotherhood being “moderate Islamists” (an oxymoron if there ever was one). And let’s not forget Director of National Intelligence James Clapper’s memorable description of the Muslim Brotherhood in February 2011 as “largely secular.” The fact is, that Obama has shifted U.S. policy to favor the Islamo-fascist's, at the expense of the pro-democracy secularists who sparked the revolution in Tahrir Square in the first place two years ago!
Any more of his clever, cool dude act and I'll brain him!
(Photo: Copyright Control)

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