Monday, January 14, 2013


In a scale 0-10, the facts would show a big fat zero! While Abbas is busy with conferring new titles on his Palestinian Authority – changing letter heads etc to "State of Palestine" - his Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has to deal with the PA insolvency. The 22-nation Arab League promised $100 million. Mohammed Sobeih, an Arab League official, claimed that letters have gone out to individual member states, urging them to pay the promised $100 million. Fayyad, however, contends that PA financial problems rest with the delinquent Arab donors who have failed to fulfill their pledge of support in accordance with Arab League resolutions! Fayyad made it clear that the EU, the U.S. and even Israel, have delivered on their commitments to the Palestinians; but he accuses the Arab states of not meeting their pledges. So you see what the Arabs really think of their so called Palestinian brothers. A few cheap cries of Allahu Akbar is about all they can expect from the "delinquent Arab donors"!
Arab League HQ in Cairo.
(Photo: Copyright Control)

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