Saturday, January 5, 2013


Secretary of State-designate John Kerry and others at Foggy Bottom Central aka the Obama administration, need to read a bit of history in order to understand who they’re dealing with in Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood: To help them on the first page, here's a wee clue: The Bros are great admirers of Mr Hitler and all his works. In the rush to embrace the idea that the Brotherhood victory is a triumph for democracy, the group’s ideology, its members and its leaders have all been air-brushed by the likes of the New York Times, into a picture of modern and tolerant Islam (like there is such a creature) rather than being shown as the font of anti-Western and anti-Semitic hate that the Bros have always been. So why does Mr Obama have their U.S. front group CAIR for tea and muffins? A total mystery. But a click on the link below will enlighten you...

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