Tuesday, January 29, 2013


The confirmation hearing for Chuck Hagel as defense secretary on Thursday will provide senators with a critical opportunity to probe the nominee thus hopefully confirming what a light weight he is. "Iran, Mr Hagel"? For the past decade, too many in the West - with Obama leading the charge of the clueless - hoped that negotiations, accompanied by incentives and disincentives, would lead Iran to renounce nuclear weapons. The West thus made a senseless concession by allowing enrichment even to 4%. Enrichment to any higher level will require mere baby steps to reach the Tehran regime's nuclear-arms destination. This problem cannot be solved by international inspections. Tehran would simply be too close to a "break-out" point that it could quickly achieve after expelling inspectors. With the trinity of Obama, Kerry, Hagel as so called leaders of the West, the Islamist regime running Iran and other adherents of the Death Cult Crew across the world, must be pissing their baggies with anticipation!
Islam's finest out for friendly discourse.

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