Saturday, January 5, 2013


“Disgusting ... outrageous ... callous indifference to the suffering of the people of my state,” fumed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in his protest over the House not voting Tuesday night on an emergency bill for states hit by last October’s super storm Sandy. Republican House members from New Jersey and New York joined him in an angry chorus. Well? What do you expect from a bunch of egocentric, self interest 4th raters?  And remember Obama's Oscar winning performance? Standing with Christie among the ordinary folks who had lost everything saying, I'll be here for you? Yeah, well that also had as much validity and honesty as his, "I've got your back, Israel." Oh that the cult of Obama groupies and cheerleaders would leave their political adolescences behind and read a bit of history regarding the Illinois charlatan.
Hey Jo, I  told you I'm the wizard of grand wazoo!
(Photo: Copyright Control)

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