Friday, January 25, 2013


Exactly what caused the big thaw 11,000 years ago? The conventional wisdom is that carbon dioxide increased in the atmosphere starting about 19,000 years ago and then the ice began to melt which continues to the present day. But the Antarctic was getting warmer even before CO2 levels went up! The simpleton's who follow Global Warming According To Al Gore should open their minds a wee bitty. According to new research published in "Nature" what actually happened was this. About 20,000 years ago, the Earth — the whole planet — wobbled on its axis. This happens periodically, but this time, the wobble caused a lot more summer sunlight to hit the northern hemisphere. Gigantic ice sheets in the Arctic and Greenland began melting and are still doing so. All this and not a factory or motor car in sight! So you see folks: it's all a tad more complex this global warming followed by another Ice Age - sometimes lasting up to 100,000 years - than the bollocks spouted by the bewildered or politically motivated.
(Photo: Copyright Control)

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