Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Theodor Herzl to Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky, promoted Jewish settlement throughout Palestine, a geographical region formerly under Ottoman rule encompassing all of the territory currently claimed by the Palestinians. Peter Beinart is a leading proponent of a so called “New Zionism,” the central tenet of which demands the creation of a Palestinian state. To convince people that they are “pro-Israel” when, in practice and effect, their platform advances pro-Palestinian positions, the New Zionists have undertaken, systematically, to chip away at the ideological foundations of the Jewish nationalist movement. This is a process of historical revisionism. In their distorted paradigm, the millennia-long Jewish struggle for independence; the repeated subsequent attempts by Arabs, including Palestinians, to annihilate Israel; and ongoing Palestinian rejectionism and terrorism are minimized, if not discounted altogether. May the future belong to Bayit Yehudi, not the sell-outs and apologists of Islam.
Judea, Israel.

(Photo: Copyright Control)

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