Sunday, June 15, 2014


Given that the Palestinian degenerates strap explosives to their own children, who can be surprised?

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Poets wrote songs about it for generations; guerilla fighters, holed up in the mountains, trained for it for decades. But in the end, when a Kurdish army finally took control of Kirkuk in nothern Iraq, they realised the dream of their forefathers within hours, without having to fire a shot. With the Iraqi Army doing a runner from the Islamist onslaught and Obama at the 18th hole, the Kurdish people have began the break-up of Iraq, whatever the international community might say. The 30 million Kurds – the world’s largest stateless nation, divided between Iraq, Iran, Syria, Armenia and Turkey – have sought a state of their own since the mapmakers of the modern Middle East denied them one last century. Just let anyone try stop them now!

Friday, June 13, 2014


Al-Baghdadi’s Blitzkrieg across Iraq won't be all free kebabs. In Syria, the ISIL is not only battling pro-Assad forces, but also fighting everyone and their camel; such as Jabhat al-Nusra, the al-Qa`ida affiliate it once tried to subordinate, Kurdish groups like the PKK in northeastern Syria who are vying for control of the resource-rich al-Hasakah Province, not forgetting all the other 50 shades of Allahu Akbars, with a goodly number of nationalist opposition groups to make up the numbers. But buy your ticket now for the really big show in case Baghdad bombs; the Top of the Bill being a somewhat troubled Iran facing a different brand of Islamic madness. Justice or what!


Oren Hafif, an Israeli “white hat” hacker, discovered a serious security flaw in Gmail which could have compromised all 500 million accounts and allowed hackers to access users’ mail accounts and all Web services that use Google’s authentication system. Hafif discovered the vulnerability, documented it, successfully tried it out and told Google about it. Tight-as-a-ducks-ass-Google gave Mr Hafif a whole $500 reward! 
Q: Do I have to pay for my own friggin' lunch?


Facilitating child trafficking has become the consequence of the lawlessness of Obama’s illegals OK policy. Homeland Security (DHS) estimated 60,000 “unaccompanied alien children” were expected to enter the country illegally this year, but the real figure has gone up to 90,000; which is more than a ten-fold increase from 2011!  Where is the liberal outrage at this appalling Obama spawned policy? There is none!


The Obama administration has admitted that though Hamas still launches rockets at Israeli civilian populations - a crime that international law recognizes as such - Fatah-Hamas Terror Inc. will still receive U.S. funding! Well past time for Israel to ignore this treacherous Obama led regime and tell them to go fuck their hypocritical, two faced selves at the first opportunity!
I've got your back Israel...and here's ma knife!

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Should the ISIL - yet another Islamist psycho troop of baboons - succeed in taking Baghdad, it would be a biggy. American and tens of thousand of other lives lost in vain; billions upon billions of dollars wasted for what was always a given, by anyone that could answer this easy question: What is the mentality of Arab governments? Clearly, both Bush and Obama dodged that afternoon class. Baghdad falling to the Allahu Akbar mad men of Islam is sure to inspire other Islamist knuckle dragers to tumble out from their mental health clinics around the Middle East to join the barbarian ball. A possible regional civil war between Shi'ites and Sunnis? Let's all face Mecca and give Allah a big Oh, Yes Please! 
If the carnage stays an Islam-Jihadist only show, fine by me. Let all of Islam's finest race each other to the tomb; but what if the Syrianesque goings on spill forth from their sandpit? Then the West and Israel must surely have to engage them in order to finish off their Caliphate Dreamin' Tour once and for all.