Thursday, January 15, 2015


The Saudis are frantically building a 600 mile wall and ditch along their border with Iraq (well the johnny foreigner labor force is doing the building bit). The Saudi Wonder Wall is an all out attempt to insulate themselves from the mad, bad neighbors they sort of helped create. But before the land of the sheikh an stay-at-home wifies get too far into this Keep I.S. Out project, I'd like to point out something that's pretty bleedin' obvious. Hands up anyone who has heard of the Maginot Line? Yep, it was built by the French you smart asses. Started after WW1, the grand plan being to keep Fritz out of gay Paree; but the unsporting Bosch came around the side of Frenchie's wall anyway; through Belgium actually. Ditto will happen again, only this time the countries could be either Kuwait or Jordan, and the Nazi's will be Islamic State. Spot the difference.


You may have noticed that the liberal media - after Paris, even they can't keep their heads up their collective asses - have found a way around that awkward, radical Islam bit. 
OK, lads. Once more with feeling: allahu akbar!!!
You nailed it that time, guys.
Now, whose for a bacon sandwich down
Outrages by Islamic State and Boko Haram - according to   the likes of the CNN and MSNBC news spinners - are actually being carried out by fake Muslims. The death cult crews of Islam are not really anything to do with Islam. In fact, they are not Muslims at all; they only think they are! It's like the captain of the Titanic saying; Nobody to the life boats,we've only rammed a marsh mallow. 
Along with their fuhrer Barry Obama - who's a top duckin' an' divin' act- most of his sycophantic liberal army are all lip syncing the same message: Nope; no Muslims doin' them bad ass things! Strangers to truth, indeed.
 No Muslims here, we're all just Hollywood extras...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Once-upon-a-time there was a bit of a scruffy guy with kinda wild hair who played the violin a bit to relax. Oh...and he came up with a cute new theory which trashed our view of reality and what we thought we knew about the universe. He must have seen the $7 trillion + debt added in just 6 years in Barry Obama's future spacetime; because Albert's words of wisdom are custom written for the likes of the Grand Wazoo from Illinois. 


The UN's rep for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Ufuk Gokcen, (not in photo) has been exposing to anyone who will listen, that at it's core, Islam is totally against the very concept of free speech!  So who's in the Muslim World Gaggers Club? It's comprised of the 57 Muslim-majority nations and the Palestinian Authority; and they are the largest bloc at the UN. When they meet on the head-of-state level, they literally speak for the Muslim world, (so their's no mystery to all these anti-Israel resolutions, then.) After the Charlie Hebdo attack, Gokcen is now calling for more implementation of the OIC-sponsored UN Human Rights Council Resolution 16/18 and the follow-up Rabat Plan of Action that would criminalize the very type of speech that Charlie Hebdo engaged in! 
Islam: gagging the world with help 
from all the useful idiots.


French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, in a speech that drew several standing ovations, from no doubt, those very same hand-wringing weaklings who had previously been against doing anything to upset Frances 6.5 million Muslims. PM Valls went all braveheart and called for the intelligence capabilities and anti-terrorism laws to be strengthened; previously admitting to "clear failings" over the attackers. No kiddin', PM Valls. And you'd better add to your your new founded zeal the 700+ sharia law run, no-go areas! It's beyond staggering stupidity to have allowed any group - from whatever background  - to decide to run their own wee state within-a-state. Appeasement NEVER works, you wankers!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


CNN still leads the field of surrender monkeys re showing any cartoon of that 7th century pedo-psycho. Meanwhile Charlie H, who had a usual print run of 65,000, is going to roll off up to 3 million copies of it's latest edition! Stuff that up yer Kornic irrigation you sad, retarded bastards! 

Monday, January 12, 2015


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it a kosher store and Jewish folk in the shop, four of whom were murdered? And then there was the kosher bloke too who was part of Team Charlie. Why then did the French gov do everything but arrest Bibi on touch down. I would have though that being the PM of the Jewish State, with five Jews murdered in Paris, it would have punted Bibi up the pecking order. When the likes of some dubious folk like Abbas and some "heads of state" or their stand-in get top billing, can't the French gov just for once, keep their Dreyfus dreamin' feelings to themselves?
The Jewish officer who was framed,
and stitched up by some of the usual
suspects, only much later to be
given a full pardon.