Sunday, December 28, 2014


American researchers say they're on track to solve the mystery of weight gain - and it has nothing to do with indulging in an of these! 

Could it be they are sponsored by the food industry? Scientists are akin to rattlesnakes for hire. If there's loads of personal moolah and mega bucks for their "research" they'll have flow and pie charts showing Joe Public and simple minded politicians their empirical evidence. Example: when a scientist with a moral compass went to extraordinary lengths to prove that lead in petrol/paint/children's toys and yer water pipes wasn't good for ones health, the multi nationals and those companies affected by his results, paraded their "scientists" who declared that Mr Anti-Lead should be fast tracked to a rest home. The list is almost endless of these immoral tossers taking the King's Shilling and not surprisingly barking and tail wagging their masters' bidding. The scientists who have found the "evidence" that it's really we humans who are mostly responsible for pushing planet earth to it's temp rising doom; these "scientists" findings should likewise be read after you've swigged a largish gulp from the Skeptic Bottle. There are many factors that made Ice Ages come and go, temps and shore lines to rise and fall over the last 2 million years...and we humans weren't one of them!

Friday, December 26, 2014


Pradeep Kuma Manukonda had a stint in the U.S. as a software engineer and was doing quite well for himself, until, according to his story, he pointed out security problems to Facebook, and since then, his life has been in mortal danger, so he told The Hans India.  He Pradeep, the self anointed saviour of Facebook, said that since then Zuckerberg and the Facebook Crew have been stalking him, his girlfriend, sister and his non existent dog. Pradeep says he has even been attacked by knives! (Oy vey! Can't a billion Zuckerberg bucks find a good assassin?) Pradeep has now asked a High Court for police protection.  The gist of it is, the world expert in cyber la-la-land thinks Facebook management is soooo terrified about his expert knowledge and is, therefore, spreading dastardly rumors that he, Pradeep is an Al Qaeda agent. 
Dear Mr Manukonda; have you visited a good shrink, changed your diet and stopped watching these Bollywood, Jimmy Bond type films yet? 
Pssst, Pradeep...I'd lay off the Scotch my boy.

Thursday, December 25, 2014


According to a confidential French intelligence document leaked to Le Figaro, a form of Muslim ghettoization is gaining ground within the French school system. The report says that Muslim students are effectively establishing an Islamic parallel society completely cut off from non-Muslim students. More than 1000 French supermarkets, including major chains such as Carrefour, have been selling Islamic books that openly call for jihad and the killing of non-Muslims.
Anyone with more than 10 brain cells has been pointing out to European appeasement fans, that the jihad jerk-offs would be coming for another crack at the Caliphate. For it was only by chance that Islam's Zombies for the Messenger of death, didn't Islamify Europe first time around!

What Hitler failed to do even with the help of Muslim SS Divisions (raised by that creature-of-the-night, Amin al-Husseini) this time around, Caliphate 2 has every chance of succeeding. Why so? Because the liberal tendency and the Left in  Europe have allowed the Muslim population to become around 50 million. Every other religious and ethnic group who have made their lives in Europe, while still keeping their individual culture and traditions, have for the most part, integrated and become a positive asset for Europe. But Muslims with a radical bent - and you can do your own maths on that one -  can't and won't be content until the Messenger's grand plan is complete. Just read Islam's mission statement a.k.a the Koran. It is a supremacist, intolerant creed no different from Hitlers; except smart uniforms and jackboots are not compulsory.
European politicians, with the help of the liberal media, have allowed the plague of Islam to spread; and you dear citizens will be having to accept Sharia Law in the the name of "tolerance." If nothing is done to stop this onslaught on your culture and societies, this will be the outcome. For wannabe Islamic State sympathisers are not at the gate; they are already living quietly in a  street near you.
Year on year, this is the
 Number 1 seller among Muslim
book buyers!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Y'all listen up there, you good Christian folks. When you come
 to that word, just sing:
 Born is the K-ing of T-a-co Bell. 
As if actively supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel wasn’t enough, turns out the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) considered banning the word “Israel” from its prayers! In a report on the Algemeiner, a resolution was presented to the 221st General Assembly; the impetus behind the proposal being to completely erase the word Israel from their prayers. The holier than thou brigade was all upset an' all by this here bit:“a section of hymns under the unfortunate heading: ‘God’s covenant with Israel.’” 
Jez...what a bummer. Big G signing that contract thingy with them thar pesky Jews. What was HE thinking of! Now, with some of the flock having a meet with the peeps of Islamist Iranian poodle, Hezbollah, the Presby Pus Pots will be celebrating the Fuhrer's birthday next. Calling themselves Christians has as much cred as a brothel keeper saying they run a Salvation Army homeless hostel. 


The Czech Republic’s Jewish community has expressed anger over the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin to a Czech Holocaust commemoration ceremony next month in Prague that will mark the 70th anniversary of the Red Army’s liberation of Auschwitz. Czech Jewish leaders oppose the invitation because of their opposition to Russia’s actions in neighboring Ukraine. Wrong call. There are plenty of politicos way before Vladimir I'd have on my list; starting with that little porker of North Korea and Blasio the bastard, currently the wrecking ball mayor of NYC. Let's face it, what country hasn't and doesn't protect and justify their actions re national interest stuff? My own dear  nation, Britannia - but the size of a postage stamp- once bit off 25% of the planet; and the Yanks as they became, didn't exactly find empty wigwams on virgin shores. Looking down the telescope from the Ruskie end, I too would not have taken lightly to the potential and very predictable loss of my only and very strategic naval base in the south (Ukraine desperate to sign up to the EU, NATO and all that). Over the past 1000 years, the map of Europe has changed more times than a life time of  your daily sock and underpant routine. To hear nations moralizing about others doing exactly as they have done, is a load of hypocritical tosh!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Top awards have been presented to the Goebbels School of Journalism hacks. To view, just copy and paste  the link below (or click and see if it works)for all the gen about the toss-pot prize winners!


Israeli high tech is becoming legendary. Israel’s Altair Semiconductor, a developer of high-performance, single-mode LTE chipsets, announced that its FourGee-3800/6300 Category 4 chipset has successfully achieved Verizon Wireless chipset certification. The certification means that Altair’s customers can get their products to the market faster by integrating the chipset into their devices, reducing the amount of testing required pre-launch. Altair Semiconductor produces high-performance, single-mode LTE chipsets. The company boasts that by focusing 100% on LTE solutions, Altair enables the introduction of competitively priced connected devices to the market. The company’s chips have been qualified by the world’s top LTE carriers. More than 30 original design manufacturers around the world have selected Altair to connect more than 80 end-user devices such as tablets, netbooks, USB dongles, portable hotspots, fixed routers and modems, and M2M applications.
Then there's David’s Sling. Israel's intercept short-range to medium-range rockets and missiles, which can deal with all contingencies, including Iran's Islamo-fascist goons Hezbollah’s Katyusha rockets. David's Sling range of coverage at present is three times that of the Iron Dome anti-rocket defense system. The system will be deployed in various areas around Israel for a trial period, the IDF added. After that, David’s Sling will also be set up to intercept hostile aircraft and missiles with longer ranges. Eventually, it should be able to intercept incoming cruise missiles as well. St.-Sgt. Maj. Yishai Rosenberg, head of the David’s Sling branch at the air force’s Equipment Squadron, said the most important aspect of David’s Sling is its integration into the existing layers of air defenses.
This is all good news, but the old adage: "The best method of defense is attack" is still probably Israel's first weapon of choice; and it certainly did the biz for them in the June of '67!