Friday, December 19, 2014


Has Putin a problem? Yes, the rouble is currently in the rubble and with each passing day their economy begins to look less like Bloomingdale's and a tad more Dollar Store...but wait. The Ruskies came out of WW2 with more than a bit of collateral damage and there are not many people on the planet (except the Jewish variety) who have spent most of their history not just beating the survival odds but coming successfully through. So before the neo-Cons get all smirky, it's surely in nobodies economic interest for the Bear to get too may stings and lose the honeycomb.
Keep up with me Barry-O, or your ass is a goner!



Two months after mostly Gulf Arab donors pledged $5.4 billion to help rebuild Gaza, almost zilch has been pissed into the 5 times loser's pot. Ever since Israel modified the street plan of Gaza City, the first cousin of Islamic State - a.k.a. Islamo-fascist terror merchants Hamas - along with other top Pali bleaters and neo-Nazi UN, say barely 2 per cent of the money has been transferred. Boo-hoo! I have two questions: Why would anyone want to lose their wad on yet another dead camel race; and why Israel hasn't by now, made a runway of that fucking Islamist rat nest?

Thursday, December 18, 2014


The European Union's highest court of stupidity has ruled that obesity is officially a disability; meaning companies will need to provide accommodations for obese workers, such as larger seats and special parking spaces. Only around 0.5 per cent of the population, whither in the U.S. or Europe, have medical reasons for being weightier than a small planet; all the rest of us haven't any excuses if we stuff our faces to the dimension of an earth stopping asteroid. Question for the EU court jesters: Would a mega scale tipper come out of a Gulag?


The Japanese spineless sushis of tinsel town, have just given in to cyber terror and posted a big come-on for all future Hackers R Us. What with Barry Obama ordering his first shipment of Cuban smokes and Hollywood "Die Easy" on parade, from now on, all any country with the will to take down the yellow jello leg Inc and Co's is threaten; and surrender will come before their first email arrives! Those who fought and died in WW2 would be puking at the suits that are now in residence, whither it be Oval Office or elsewhere.


University of Nebraska football player Jack Gangwish beat to death a raccoon with a wrench because it wouldn’t pose for a “selfie”; and such is the mentality of this foot-balling fuck-wit, even admitted it on social media. He also posted this on Twitter: "I'm sure y'all be excited to hear that the results came back and i do not have Rabies! Actually, I was very much hoping for the opposite you cruel, arrogant twat! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Just when you think, the EU a.k.a. Eurostan, can't get any more perverse, they actually can. The lefty crew of the EU court system have just announced the the Islamo-fascist terror machine of Hamas - 12,000 rockets fired into towns and cities of Israel, suicide bombers and murderers of Israeli men women and children - will be dropped from the list of organisations which the EU designate as terrorist. Perhaps a dirty bomb from Islam's psychos might one day wake the fuckers up as to who the good guys and bad bastards really are! 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


What do I think of our $17 trillion
dollar debt? Sure could buy a load of

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush announced Tuesday that he plans to "actively explore" a run for president, taking his most definitive step yet toward mounting a 2016 campaign. If the GOP think that having another Bush name placed before the U.S. voters will be an ace, then I'd advise them to stay well away from Vegas. The late Mr Jackson's chimp would have a better chance of being elected!