Monday, December 15, 2014


What more can be said about all the alleged Cosby stuff? Well, let's just say he's not very observant either. With the Plague of Islam virus rampaging across the planet like an pandemic, Bill said that if only everyone was more like Muslims, the world would be a much better and peaceful place. Is there something not quite right about Mr Cosby's judgment, or am I getting ahead of the jury? (Image: Copyright Control)
Now, I can't remember much about this particular evening
and I'm not too good with female names...


That waste of space, better known as Joe Biden, said without smirking once or any hint of irony, that the talks with Iran which began about a year ago and recently were extended for another seven months, had “brought significant benefits” and slowed down Iran’s nuclear program! Barry & Biden are two of the least qualified, most dangerous political wreaking balls, ever to be let loose from the Democrat's asylum.


Sunday, December 14, 2014


What can you say about the likes of Mr Lieberman? Perhaps that he's an unprincipled, politically confused opportunist? He's on record as saying that he'd hitch has harness to Labor (although they have nothing in common with his view of the universe) or perhaps even join the polar opposite gang! Given the chance, Lieberman would bat for whichever of the parties that look like winning the up coming Israeli elections. Are any of the parties really loopy enough to invite this loose mouthed, spinning top politico on board? If they trust three scorpions down their underpants believing they won't nip their nuts, then by all means, lumber themselves with Lieberman! (Image: Copyright Control)
Lieberman: A man who can't tell his ping from his pong. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014


The fact is, Japan invaded China and China took the brunt of the rampage of unbridled massacres perpetrated by the Japanese military machine against them, years before WW2 started. President Xi Jinping today said that China will never forget Japan's war time atrocities but it will not hold a grudge against the entire nation as the atrocious anti-human crimes were committed by the militarists.
Japan has gotten away with  their WW2 genocide with the connivance of the Allies (well, China being Commies and all that).  Japan was utterly ruthless against anything not Japanese and  need to do a Germany and admit that they were the aggressor. Japan were on the same page as Nazi Germany and acted accordingly right across the territory they went a-conquering before and during WW2. To this day, many Japanese who were born after 1945 are still not remotely aware of the war crimes committed by their country. A good place to start to rectify this dereliction of accountability would be to have historical accuracy injected into the books used in the Japanese education system. Currently, they imply that they were mostly the victim of aggression. Not true. (Images: Copyright Control)


A piece in a Washington belt way bugle has reported on a major discovery by a so called "think tank."  'The government of Qatar continues to willfully turn a blind eye to individuals channeling money to al Qaeda-affiliated groups across the Middle East and to Islamic State extremists in Syria and Iraq, despite joining a U.S.-led military coalition battling the militant group.' No kiddin'!
This is old camel milk to those who understand and know the wily ways of the Arabs; and has about as much surprise value to anyone who has noticed that the sun has a habit of appearing in the morning and disappearing at night. While the head of NATO has been singing Qatar's praises this week, Putin  continues merrily on in his Border and Intimidation Tour. Taking the Crimea and going sailing in the Baltic Sea, the master of Russia's back-to-the-future has been busy rebuilding the lost empire, simply because Barry and Co along with the EU chorus are regarded by Vladimir as wet as a can of Bud. You've sort of got to admire Putin's poker playing, even though he's only across the table from a bunch of broken westie biscuits. (Image: Copyright Control)
 I'll raise you the world, weaklings...

Friday, December 12, 2014


So the white coats of  science have finally caught up with what every woman already knows; not that the fare sex is much ahead of us with the hanging tackle. If this comes as news to anyone , take yourself off through the door marked, Thick An' Proud Of It. 
If anyone wants the idiot evidence for humanoids, there's zillions of examples out there, but I'll just choose a couple of my favs: 
(1) Putting legs of Robots. 
(2) Creating Artificial Intelligence. 
And if you really need it explained to you why, I rest my case.
Thank you, welcome to extinction...


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in an interview to the Egyptian press agency that he supports steps taken by Egypt against Hamas. 
Given that Abbas can speak out of every known body orifice simultaneously  - with a different message flowing forth from each and every one - I'd sooner believe camels going through the eye of a needle before anything that this Nazi loving, closet Islamist, treacherous pig-fucker says!