Monday, June 23, 2014


Aren't there any hospitals Qatar? They can't have used up all their oil revenue in sponsoring Islamo-fascist Hamas and the various shades
of Islam's Jihadi jerk-offs
across the globe!

Sunday, June 22, 2014


The Israeli Foreign Minister is trying to have UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, Robert Serry, be declared persona non grata in Israel and expelled. The totally unbiased UN terror supporter, Bob Serry tried to find a way to transfer $20 million dollars from Qatar to Terror.Inc Hamas. 
What an Islamist lovin' cunt this guy is!
By the way, Qatar is only 3rd in the Terror Sponsor League; two down from top dog Iran with the Saudi Camels in second place.
Hi, Bob Serry here.Yep, I've got the stuffed full brown envelope

Saturday, June 21, 2014


I'm no general, but Commander-in-Chief Obama, saying he's sending up to 300 US advisers to Iraq when the forces of Islamist ISIS are reportedly about 40 miles from the gates of Baghdad; well isn't it a tad late? About the only helpful advise to the Iraqi Army can be made in phone call...and it's bleedin' obvious: Stop running away or Baghdad's toast.
It's a long way to Tipperary...


The Presbyterian Church has voted in favor of divesting from Israel, and therfore have now joined the ranks the of the odious BDS and can be found in the same ANTI-SEMITES ONLY room. Islamists' burning churches, murdering and raping? Oh, says Desmond Tutu, it's only a fringe group involved; and the fact that Israel is the only place in the middle east safe for Christians? Well, that  ol' Jew hate comes before anything, don't it Des. (Image: Copyright Control)
Muslim mob in Egypt cheering church in flames


The American newspaper USA TODAY, named Israel's Tel Aviv beach as 'the best beach party spot on the planet'!
(Image: Copyright Control)


CITI Israel, the local subsidiary of the multinational financial giant, along with nearly three dozen other companies, is working with interns who came to Israel in June as part of the Birthright Israel Excel Business Leadership Program. The program includes 40 students from top universities in the US and Canada, who are interning with companies like Amdocs, General Motors (at their Herzliya Advanced Technical Center), Microsoft Ventures, Tnuva, Giza Venture Capital, Wix, along with Citi, and many more.
(Image: Copyright Control)


For the first time since World War II, the number of people forced from their homes by war, famine and conflict worldwide, has surged past 50 million, the United Nations Refugee Agency stated today. Fifty million, eh? Fact: Did you know that the Palestinians have their very own special refugee status and therefore their very own agency at the UN? Exclusively for them. Only just them, the planets top bleaters. Over the years, Palestinians have had $billions of dollars given to them, which they've manged to totally squander. It's beyond absurd, but of course it's totally politically motivated by all the usual suspects this Palestinian Only scam. But given the figure of 50 million, it's also most definitely friggin' obscene! If bleating and terror were a category, the Pali Brigade would win the world cup!
Johnny, ma boy; what's a few $billion dollars more?