Saturday, February 15, 2014


The Israeli company, KMS Lighthouse, says you don’t need more than five seconds to get action and answers from company reps. "In 2011, 86% of US customers said they quit doing business with a company because of a bad customer experience, up from 59% four years earlier. Our selling point and motto is five seconds to knowledge," said Ben-Ami of KMS. “We use smart algorithms to build templates and it’s a fact that by using our system, in over a decade of working in this area, KMS Lighthouse has never lost a customer to the competition".

Friday, February 14, 2014


Iranian minister of Energy and Water, Hamid Chitchiyan attended a talk given by his Israeli counterpart and Haaretz predictably, is behaving like a pubescent with their first crush. That's the thing about the Israeli left, if one daisy is growing among cow crap, they think it's a field of 'em.


Viber, the Israeli-founded video and voice communications app, has been acquired by Japanese Internet services company Rakuten for $900 million. Rakuten, an electronic commerce and Internet company, is the largest e-commerce site in Japan, and one of the largest in the world. With the passing of each week and Europe looking more like boycott central, selling Viber to Rakuten could pave the way for more Israeli businesses to head east.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


The Hamas death cult government in the Gaza Strip has accused the UNRWA -  the UN agency responsible for providing work and education to the Palestinians - of printing and disseminating school textbooks dealing with human rights in a way that offends Palestinian cultural sensitivities. There wasn't enough mention about the Palestinians' degenerate, child rearing ways I presume? 


While millions of Americans are mired in unemployment, underemployment, and hopelessness, Obama's free spending wench - to date $100 million of tax payers dough for her vacations - Michelle 'Marie Antoinette' Obama tweets this picture of her dogs dining on china and crystal! What was it that happened to that French bitch?
What's their names? Left is Farrakhan , the other
is sweet little Fidel.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


He's Arab, Muslim and Pro-Israel? Yep. Abdel Bioud, born and raised in Algeria, is a graduate student in the USA at McGill University. He's also the vice president of communication for the McGill Students for Israel Association. Having lived among the madness of growing up in the Arab world, Mr Bioud got out. He sums Arab governments up like this: 
"All Arab countries are dictatorships. That is, you have ruling gangster families on top, who use their monopoly of violence (via the military) to kill/imprison anyone who questions their 'business' plan." 
Two thousand words later, he's nailed it. The real problem of no peace in the middle east or with Israel boils down to this; it's that gangsta Arab rap.


Turkey’s Islamo-fascist Prime Minister Erdogan said yesterday that Israel must blah, blah, blah. Israel really must stop behaving like some battered wife trying to placate a brutal husband, for it's a totally futile mission and embarrassing to watch. Telling that Muslim Brotherhood clone Erdogan to fuck off would be much the better foreign policy. Now, where's my application form...
(Image: Copyright Control)