Friday, December 6, 2013


Music is becoming illegal in many corners of the Muslim world and the ideology behind the snuffing out of a beautiful art form threatens to affect the rest of the world as well. Referring to Islamic Sharia law, the Koran states: "Allah Mighty and Majestic sent me as a guidance and mercy to believers and commanded me to do away with musical instruments, flutes, strings, crucifixes and the affair of the pre-Islamic period of ignorance. On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will pour molten lead into the ears of whoever sits listening to a songstress.” 
I think I'll go play Led Zep 2 FULL BLAST!


There are 125,000 Druze living in Israel who consider themselves to be a social group as well as a religious sect. They are Arabic-speaking citizens of Israel who do military service in the Israel Defense Forces, serving the very same as the majority of citizens of Israel. Members of the Druze community have attained top positions in Israeli politics and public service. The number of Druze parliament members usually exceeds their proportion in the Israeli population, and are integrated within several Israeli political parties.
 Druze soliders of the Israeli Defense Force.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


The NSA is tracking 5 billion cell phone location data as well as all the other stuff. And I should bloody well hope so! It's Al Qaeda and all the Islamist Allahu Akbar loonies fav way to order their kebabs. So, do stop bleating on about your privacy; you never had any when you bought that Internet package!
More ammo, two heat seeking missiles... oh and 6 kebabs, fries, no mayo.


There are 130,000 Christian Arabs in Israel and at a time when Christian communities across the Islamic world are facing vicious persecution in the form of arrests, murder, Muslim mob violence and bombings of churches, it’s no coincidence that this assertive form of Christian identity I.E. joining the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) is pissing off the usual suspects big time. Great!
(Image: Copyright Control)


Team Obama Has A Security Plan For The "West Bank"!
An' then a said: "Israel, I've got your back".
Team Obama, having lost Egypt to the Russians, flip-flopped on Syria, let Islamists murder in Benghazi and given the nod for Iran's Mad Mullahs to build a nuke at their convenience, are now offering some of their collective wisdom to the Israelis? Fuck off!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


USB cable developers have announced with much excitement that a forthcoming version of the connector's plug is to be reversible! It means users of the Universal Serial Bus cables will no longer have to worry which way round the part is facing when plugging it into a device. I guess the geeks did a bit of market research, found out that there are zillions of folk who shouldn't be allowed out alone, and realised that they could make a friggin' fortune form their amazing anti-worry technology.


Iran has been appointed as a member of the executive council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). When you read something like this, you know for sure that those who run planet earth are really escapees from some old asylum.
Staff nurse, call the residents for din-dins...