Saturday, May 18, 2013


(Photo: Copyright Control)

Last week former Israeli defense minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said on a radio program: "Of course, Assad has used chemical weapons and isn't it obvious that he has already transferred to Hezballah both chemical substances and other advanced weapons." Following again in American footsteps, Israel failed to prevent Russia sending advanced S-300 anti-air and Yakhont anti-ship missiles to the Assad regime – both improved versions which were outfitted with sophisticated radar to improve their range and precision. Should Iran's Islamo-fascist poodle Hezbollah, fire just one rocket over into Israel, there should be an Israeli policy of total wipe out. No more pissing about with the Islamist freaks. This time, Hezbollah have to be so decimated as to be put out of the Allahu Akbar business for a very, very long time!

Friday, May 17, 2013


(Copyright Control)

If you're an American, you should be worried...and here's why! Nakoula Basseley Nakoula has been sitting in a US federal prison in Texas since his photographed midnight arrest by half a dozen deputy sheriffs at his home in California supposedly for violating the terms of his parole. The parole violation in question would not generally have lead to anything more than a court hearing, but in Nakoula’s case, it led to a YEAR in a federal penitentiary! Why? Because he made THAT video with his views on Islam. THAT video: the one which Obama & CO hung their lying, Benghazi-Gate asses on. Land of the free? Not if this current corrupt administration continue with their Soviet type tactics in the IRS, against the Associated Press or anyone else who dares to cross them. Nixon was an amateur in comparison!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


The Syrian Islamist leader who proudly showed the world on video of him biting into the heart of a soldier, has no regrets. Khalid al Hamad, also known as Abu Sakkar (or Hannibal to his fellow nutters) confirmed in an interview with Time Magazine that he was indeed the man in the video. "We will kill them all," he announced. Between courses and hearty shouts of Allahu Akbar, our Sunni Muslim hero further revealed that it was actually liver. He went on to say that he had another as-yet-unreleased graphic number showing him sawing a government soldier into pieces! One thing's for sure...they'll always have a fully stocked freezer.
(Photo: Copyright Control)


For over a decade, the liberal media has run itself ragged defending and minimizing the crimes of every Muslim terrorist. A New York Times article titled “Jihadist or Victim” described Al Qaeda member and Gitmo detainee Moazzam Begg as a “soft-spoken man with a professorial air”. When the Islamist luvvie media finally succeeded in winning Begg’s release, he went back to the UK where he was invited to participate in the University College of London’s “War on Terror Week” by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Two years later, Abdulmutallab became the Christmas Day Bomber. The New York Times described Abdulmutallab as “soft-spoken” and a “gifted student”...
Click the link, Infidel and read all about us!


(Photo: Copyright Control)

In April the accounting firm of Price Waterhouse Coopers announced the results of a survey that it conducted with 1,330 CEO's of major companies in 68 countries world wide. One question was: "As a leader, can you give an example from literature or history where someone exhibited outstanding leadership?"  Winston Churchill was the number-one answer!


Obama's Press Secretary Jay Carney admitted the administration KNEW about the IRS scandal since April 22, but Obama - doing his best Illinois shuffle - came out yesterday with a blatant porky pie, saying he was just hearing about it for the first time in news reports like everyone else! Anyone who has taken the time to research Obama's history before being elected to the top office isn't going to be remotely surprised by the ethos of his administration or his blaming, lying and buck passing ways.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


(Photo: Copyright Control)

Ahmed Abassi (photo left) was arrested in a U.S. terror plot in New York April 22. He was a graduate student studying chemical engineering at Laval University in Quebec City, CBC News has learned. Ahmed Abassi's major is "particularly chilling" in conjunction with other evidence presented against him by the FBI, said CBC's Greg Weston. The FBI alleges Abassi was plotting to kill upwards of 100,000 people by contaminating the air or water supply in a major U.S. city. Abassi is also being linked to Chiheb Esseghaier, one of two Canadian residents recently arrested in Canada in connection with an alleged plot to derail a Via passenger train.