Saturday, May 18, 2013


(Photo: Copyright Control)

Last week former Israeli defense minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said on a radio program: "Of course, Assad has used chemical weapons and isn't it obvious that he has already transferred to Hezballah both chemical substances and other advanced weapons." Following again in American footsteps, Israel failed to prevent Russia sending advanced S-300 anti-air and Yakhont anti-ship missiles to the Assad regime – both improved versions which were outfitted with sophisticated radar to improve their range and precision. Should Iran's Islamo-fascist poodle Hezbollah, fire just one rocket over into Israel, there should be an Israeli policy of total wipe out. No more pissing about with the Islamist freaks. This time, Hezbollah have to be so decimated as to be put out of the Allahu Akbar business for a very, very long time!

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