Tuesday, February 19, 2013


The Israeli Parliament's Foreign Affairs and Defense Subcommittee for Intelligence and the Israeli State Attorney's office have both announced that they will be conducting investigations into the circumstances surrounding Ben Zygier's death.
Anyway...just how expensive can rope possibly be in Israel?


While watching the most excellent George Clooney directed and co-written film "The Ides Of March"; and being it's about the Democrat's dirty deeds and set in Illinois, the face of Obama kept morphing over George's. The only thing authentic about Obama is his inauthenticity. The film should be required viewing for all Obama groupies!
(Photo: Copyright Control)


You can just keep sleep walking or click on the link...
be cause it actually concerns all of us in Western democracies.
Unmasking the Muslim Brotherhood - An ACT! for America Education Exposé
A look at the network of Muslim Brotherhood-connected individuals.


By David Horowitz
“Why Israel Is The Victim” tells the ugly tale of the war waged against Israel, by the unholy alliance of the radical Left and Islam; laying bare the sordid hypocrisies and deceits behind the endless campaign of violence against it. No single volume can contain the full story of Islamic terrorism or the courageous ways in which the ordinary Israeli confronts it in the streets of their cities. What this essay does tell is the story of the lies behind that terror. 
Kindle and book versions can bought at Amazon.com

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Memo To Democrats: You're not breaking with the tradition of bipartisan support of a candidate chosen by the President if that person's record shows that he is totally unsuited for such an important office as Secretary of Defense. And I suppose that if Obama had nominated a unicorn for the post, his flock of fools would have done their usual nodding dog act in support. Hagel may still get the job and will prove to be a total liability for the United States and it's western allies.
(Cartoon: Copyright Control)

Thursday, February 14, 2013


(Photo: Copyright Contol)
When folk fly it's usually because of business or going on your hols. Being in a cigar tube at 39,000 feet for a few hours is not usually regarded as fun time. Going on a cruise? Some things are worth knowing. Ships go on water. Ships are made of metal. Ships sink. When you hear the call "fire in the engine room" you can't just wander off for a burger at the end of the street while the boys with hoses put it out. And if per chance there's a mighty bang and a ripping sound like your best jeans on razor wire, it's usually because Captain Cavalier has been showing off to some rocks. So when the guy you fancied nicks your life jacket and elbows you out of the last life boat; and should you survive your encounter with hypothermia and sharks, don't start whinging to the press, Costa or Carnival. Nobody pointed a bayonet at your ass to buy a ticket!


"You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave!"

Welcome to the 
"Hotel California" 
Mr Ben Zygier...
now you can wear the T-shirt...
(Photo and Lyric: Copyright Control)